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Basics of Successfully Using Business Cards


Business cards are a very effective way for clients and potential clients to keep essential information regarding your business close at hand. Many, however, are discarded without a second thought. How can you make sure yours is a successful element to your company?

When placed improperly, business cards lose their effectiveness immediately. Some people strive to give their card to everyone they meet, however brief the discussion. This may seem like a great way to spread a company’s name. If the cards are given to people that are not truly interested, the cards will be wasted along with the time and resources spent producing the cards. If you would like your card to help expand your business it needs to be a positive visual reminder of you and your company. The demeanor that your card is presented is a representation of your company. What will a future customer think when they see your card? Will they remember feeling pushed or obligated to take it? A negative feeling associated with your business downplays your products or services, despite their quality. Rather than offer a card to everyone without discretion, use tactfulness. First, ask the person for their business card. Take the time to read their card rather than quickly setting it in your pocket or wallet. Give their card the same attention and respect you would like your card to receive. After you have thoroughly read it, ask them a question or two about the information listed. It may be about their product, service or even location. This will start a conversation that is natural, leaving a better impression. Often they will ask for your card and might ask a few questions. By offering your business card in this manner, the prospective client will remember the conversation they had rather than a feeling of obligation or pushiness.

There are opportunities to place your card effectively with someone who has not asked for one. Such appropriate situations include the inside of hand-written thank you notes, attached to a requested brochure or catalog and nearly anytime literature regarding your company is requested.

Leaving a positive impression along with a business card is not the only factor in successful cards. The design of your card also reflects the company. A basic card design is easily lost and forgotten next to more modern custom business cards. A card does not need to brightly colored and excessively flashy to catch attention. Simple upgrades from the basic business card can enhance its effectiveness. A catchy slogan, textured print and quality printing can upgrade a boring card to memorable. By using features such as raised print or textured card stock, the sense of touch is utilized, leaving a deeper impression with the card holder.

For business owners looking to make a bolder statement, there are thousands of designs available to create a unique business card. Bold colors, patterns and textures create an unforgettable ‘pocket-sized billboard’ for your business. Some companies have successfully made use of turning their business cards in magnets, developing a product both useful to the customer and promotional for the business. Certainly, advances in technology allow for cards to truly be one of a kind.

It is important for anyone willing to drive a successful business to remember the basics behind business cards. The design chosen for your card and a tactful placement can mean the difference between a business card in the trash and profit for your business.

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