
A Refresher Course on Gaining Traffic with Social Media Marketing

A Refresher Course on Gaining Traffic with Social Media Marketing

A Refresher Course on Gaining Traffic with Social Media Marketing

For many of you, this is something you already know, and maybe already practice. If that is the case, it is a nice refresher, to double check that you got it covered.

For those who are newbies, or need more information, this is a great overview over the basics on social media marketing and the answer to “Why?”

Even though social media is often used for personal reasons, it is also used for business reasons. Anyone who has their own business needs to understand the why and how aspects of social media marketing. Social media can be a powerful tool. You can use it to strengthen your business. You can also use social media to get more traffic to come to your site or other social network profiles.

You need to capitalize your social media investment in the right way. When used properly, social media strategies can really do wonders for your business. Now, let’s talk about some tips to get you going in the right direction (or, as a reminder).

Expand Your Thinking: Expand Your Targets

You don’t need to limit yourself to only Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to add Pinterest, Instagram. There are so many other social networks to include, as well.

Start out by going through the social networks that you use, personally. If you are not active in social media, think about social networks that your friends or associates talk about using. It won’t take long at all to find a list of potential social networks.

Each social network has its own way of doing things, so you need to spend some time figuring out what the rules are for each network. Or, assign your VA (virtual assistant) to figure out what you need to know about each network.

The key is to get involved in all of the networks you can, if for no other reason than to claim your social spot, with your name. Now, don’t get overwhelmed, you are setting up some social profiles, but then only posting to them as you feel comfortable.

Once you do start posting things, you will find out how valuable these social tools really are, in your business.

It’s a good idea to start posting different things to each of these social profiles. By doing so, you diversify your message. You are also keeping it all one place.

Posting Frequency

Posting once per week is not going to be enough. You will need to post and respond to conversations a few times a week. A few times should do it. You don’t want to go overboard on this. Going too strong could kill your traffic and message.

Stand Out From the Pack

This task might be more difficult, given that everyone is doing the same thing (trying to be unique). But, take some time, and find YOUR message. Find where you are unique.

Once you do find your message, put it out there. Be creative in how you do this. Do something that has never been done before today. While everyone else is “borrowing ideas” from others and claiming that they are their own ideas, be the trailblazer.

Track It : Analyze it

Track how well you are doing. This is the kiss of death for some media blasts. There are many businesses who do not look at what they are doing. If this is you, you might need to change your protocol. Watching what your audience is looking at because it’s a great way to know what is interesting to them. Staying on top of this is essential.


A down-to-earth format is the best way to approach all of this. It’s not enough to have a massive following or a billion likes. The importance lies in targeting the right audience. This will not happen overnight.

You need to pace yourself. Keep pushing forward. These social media sites are a great place to begin. But, then you knew that, right?!

The next steps are up to you. How do you want to proceed? How do you want to use your activity to further your approach? Many questions. But, the first step is to take action.

Are you already active on all these sites? Then find somewhere you are not active and integrate them into your social media marketing strategy. Otherwise, you have a place to start.. now it is one foot in front of the other.

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