
Content Marketing Best Practices for Anyone and Everyone

In research on the topic of “content marketing best practices,” I discovered that there are a lot of them out there! It isn’t so much that there is a long list (though it is that, too). Instead, there are different categories of “content marketing best practices.” I’ve compiled them together in one list and provided you with the resources where I got the information so that you can check it out for yourself. Ready?

First things first. In order to give credit where credit is due, I’ve included the resource, by number, in parenthesis that follow the list item. Please keep in mind that these resources are not listed in any particular order. They are truly random with no sorting whatsoever. Also, for all of you academic types, I realize that this is an unorthodox what of citation but hey, it works. The key is that we are giving the credit where it is due, so please do visit these websites and read the articles that support this list.

Oh, one other thing… Pay particular attention to the items that have a “(7)” as the citation. Why? Those come from the Yahoo link about content marketing for millennials. It is very interesting and something that all of us should keep in mind (unless you want to ostracize a particular generation, which is really not an advisable step.

As with all content, keep in mind that these best practices may change according to culture. Use the millennial example, it is possible that individuals of the same age from other cultures and other countries may not view life the same way. That said, there is less separation, when it comes to content marketing, because of the accessibility asspect, in our “global culture.”

The Big List

Here is the list, broken down into groups. The list, as one big laundry list is a bit tricky to remember (not that we expect you to remember it all!). Also, some of what was termed as “best practices” were tips or suggestions, so we categorized it to separate it out into what seems to make the most sense.

This list started out as “content marketing best practices,” but also includes “content best practices.” It was researched with the “content marketing” term and definitions of the original authors may differ. The definition discussion depends on your perspective. If you are thinking “marketing,” then it is marketing by way of the use of content, hence “content marketing.” If you are thinking from the perspective of content production and how you market that content that has been created, then your perspective may be a bit different. Either way, it is good stuff and worth passing on to you.

Strategy Related:

Strategy related best practices relate to the process of laying out your content marketing strategy. Picture yourself sitting at a desk and writing out your plans for your content strategy. These are the things that you will want to keep in mind as you prepare that strategy. Granted, feel free to use a computer instead of pen and paper. ;D

Procedure Related:

Now that you have your strategy, or at least your initial strategy, it is time to look at some procedures. This includes the fulfillment of the steps defined by your strategy.

Audience Related:

This one is a biggie. It is important to attract the audience and keep the audience. You need to engage with your audience.

Content Suggestions and Considerations:

Operational Considerations:

There are procedures and there there is the operational end of things. That is the part that is ensured to be running smoothly. So, the functional part (procedures) would be like having wheels on your cool office chair, with the procedure being that you sit in the chair while you work. However, the operational part includes having the WD-40 to use on the wheels to ensure that they work properly and don’t squeak. It is the part of the organization that allows the procedures to be carried out smoothly.

The Resources / Sites

Here is the promised list of resources so that you can perform your own research 🙂

  1. Oracle’s Modern Marketing Essentials (Downloadable ebook)
  2. Content Marketing Institute’s 10 Content Marketing Best Practices for Greater Efficiency
  3. Act-On’s Six Best Practices for Creating a Content Marketing Strategy
  4. Oracle’s Best Practices (Topic: Content Marketing)
  5. CrazyEgg.com’s 5 Content Marketing Best Practices You Should Probably Ignore
  6. GroupHigh.com’s Content Marketing Best Practices
  7. Yahoo’s Content Marketing for Millenials (love this one!)
  8. EContent’s Content Marketing Best Practices From Online Influencers
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