
How NOT to Market on Twitter

Perhaps you’ve already read, “Why Twitter Won’t Help Your Business.” The social network is extremely powerful as a marketing tool. You just have to know how to use it properly.

Twitter is ideal for frequent posting and fast results. If timing is crucial and you can be succinct, Twitter may be just the place for you and your business. How do you build your following, shape your reputation, and become known as a subject matter expert? Follow these three simple steps.

1. Don’t Spam

Millions communicate in real-time on Twitter. They share information, network, and learn. It’s easy to tweet, follow, and unfollow. Built in spam filters will stop you from putting in too many links or hashtags. Twitter simply won’t publish your tweet, but the network will not inform you of this.

You’re more likely to be retweeted if you don’t have too many links or hashtags. If you leave enough room for someone to add their name, those who appreciate your message can get some credit for passing along your gems.

2. It’s NOT All about You

Refrain from putting links and hashtags in every tweet. Don’t talk about yourself too much. Don’t just add to the noise; focus on adding value and sharing relevant content. Personal tweets are more acceptable if you are your business. I’ve found that my more personal tweets are posted on the weekend. During the week, I’m all business, but I do like to let a little personality shine through now and then. People like doing business with people they like.

Don’t be overly concerned about the number of followers. Better to have a quality following, then just an impressive number. Do actually follow the people and organizations you “follow.” Retweet where appropriate. And reply when possible. If appropriate, try attaching your message to a relevant, popular tweet of the day or trending topic. Yes, you can start a hashtag.

3. A Few Do’s

Twitter Resources:

While we’re on the subject of Twitter, why not follow me? And DirJournal? And go ahead, tweet this article!

Do you have tips on how to or not to market on Twitter?
Please leave them in the comments below.

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