
Interesting Facts About Memorial Day & Barbecuing

Memorial Day may very well be the most important, significant holidays celebrated within the United States, and it is definitely one of the most underrated.  When we think of Memorial Day, most of us envision the beginning of Summer, an awesome movie opening in theaters, great sports on TV, and most importantly… a three day weekend!  But it’s more than that—much more.  A memorial exists to preserve a memory, and that memory is why Memorial Day is so important, as well as the least “Hallmark-inspired” holiday of them all.

Observed on the last Monday of the month of May, Memorial Day was originally established shortly after the American Civil war to honor both the Union and Confederate troupes who died as a result of that tragic war.  After World War I, the memorial was expanded to honor all Americans who had died in any war.  This is not a holiday about gifts, or candy, or food, it is a day set aside to honor those who have died for us and our country.  Regardless of where we stand politically, or how we feel about those who run our military, this day honors those soldiers actually on the front line.  Those who are fighting.  Those who most deserve our respect.

A century ago, closer to the holiday’s beginning, the day was marked as an occasion of memory, when families would visit the graves of their relatives who had died in war.  As time passed, however, the holiday evolved to include everything it is now devoted to, such as family get-togethers and day-trips to the beach.  Now I may seem as if I am criticizing this type of celebrating.  On the contrary—if anything, Memorial Day should be an occasion when we as Americans do everything we enjoy most about the American way of life.

Why?  Because our way of life, what it means to be American, is precisely what these brave men and women died for.  These soldiers died so their families and countrymen would be safe.  So they could enjoy mom’s apple pie, and be free to play basketball with dad out on the driveway.  I do not mean to speak for them, but I firmly believe these soldiers would want us to memorialize their deaths by celebrating and taking part in the way of life they chose to risk their lives defending.  So on memorial day, enjoy yourself with your family and remember those who gave their lives so you and your families would be free.

Interesting facts about Memorial Day:

Personally, my celebration of choice for Memorial Day is a good, old-fashioned American barbecue.  Now sure, barbecuing is a practice done world wide, including Australia, “Put a shrimp on the Barbie, mate.”  That said, the word “barbecue” most likely originated from the Taino people of the Caribbean and Timucua people of Florida, who both used the word “barabicu”.  So “barbecuing” started in the Americas.  And at the end of the day, let’s face it, no one embraces the sheer spectacle of barbecuing the way Americans do.

Interesting facts about BBQ’ing:

Bar-B-Q related links:

Photo credits: Tony the Misfit, Photospin

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