
Using Social Media as a Sales Channel

You probably are already aware of what an amazing communication channel social
media is, but did you know that social media can also be a wonderful sales channel?

It’s True!! And, why not…. in order to bring about a sale there needs to be consumer trust. And, what is the best way to earn trust?

Conversation & Relationship Building!!!

Enter Social Media…

Social Media is powerful. Consumers are in more control than ever before. The large companies are no longer the power-houses…. it’s the consumers. And, do you know why? Because of Social Media…. Because of Social Media Communities like Twitter.

Twitter is an amazing social media community that brings the power of the people together to talk about everything and anything in real time…. and they are.

Here are a few methods Companies large & small are taking advantage of Twitter as a Sales Channel. Check out their strategies & see which one is the best strategy for your business.

The Sweet Deal Shouter

The Structured Informer

The Structured Informer

Tweet a Little of This & a Little of That

The Extreme Twittering Business

You can see that all of the above companies are using Twitter differently. They all have their reasons & strategies to do what they are doing. But, most of us are not large companies like Amazon and Zappos.

So, what do I think is the best strategy for the average small business? I think the perfect combination is the “Little of This Little of That” Strategy. It is a great way to earn a consumer’s trust through interaction, conversation and wonderful customer service skills.

What Twitter Strategy are you going to use?

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