
What is So Special About Commun.it?


Commun.it is a relationship building tool, using the Twitter Platform. If you haven’t checked it out, you will want to take a look at what it has to offer. I wrote “Commun.it Turns Twitter into a True Relationship Tool” about Commun.it a few years ago and the tool has only been improved and that much more effective since then.

Already Twitter is pretty good at being a tool that can be used in instant conversation with friends, associate, business partners, prospects, and more. Commun.it simply makes it easier for you, by highlight what you need to respond to and what you may have missed. It also auto-tweets (if you choose the setting) for thank you and #FF on Fridays.

We all know that we intend to thank those whom we appreciate the most, but sometimes we just get so hung up that we don’t have time or forget. That doesn’t mean that it is any less important. Well, this way, it is like Commun.it is your virtual assistant, reading your mind (algorithmically) and sending out those thank you tweets for you! Think of it like having a secretary who sends out all of those thank you cards after a big party or something like a baby shower. Commun.it does it for you, without ever having to worry yourself.

Relationship Marketing is Where It is At in 2015

The online world has been in this state for some time and there is no real turning back. We are in a social world and a world that demands relationships, or at least the facade of relationship. We desire the trust that we have grown to expect offline and yet expect to have it to the fullest in online business and personal relationships.

This infographic, about the importance of “being social,” is no small statement and is an evergreen statement to the state of this 21st century where we exist:

Find more great infographics on NerdGraph Infographics

The beauty of the era in which we live is that we have so many tools that we can use to connect with other human beings, whether that is on a personal level or a professional level. And, the stats are showing that businesses are truly embracing this and have been. So, if you are in business and have not incorporate social media marketing, you are definitely “behind the times.”

People want to connect. This is why relationship marketing is so important and it is not likely to go away tomorrow. This is also why Commun.it plays such an important role in helpful us to use the tools available to us in reaching out to others, whether personally or in daily business.

Don’t take my word for it, check out Commun.it for yourself and then let us know if it helps to highlight those relationships that you can encourage via the Twitter Platform. Do come back and share your tips and tricks with us, in the comments. below.

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