10 Small Animals That Can Make Great Pets

When we think about getting a new pet, sometimes it’s easy to default to traditional dogs and cats. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Both can make for incredibly lovable companions (I’m a cat person myself). But what if you don’t have the room for a dog to play or a cat to roam? What if they’re just not your thing? Or what if you want to get a smaller pet for your child’s first pet?

Fortunately there are many small animals that can make great pets — some that are even surprising. Today let’s look at ten examples. I’ve left out fish and reptiles (although they can make fine pets as well). I did that because there are so many varieties commonly available that they would be worthy of a separate list altogether. Let’s focus instead on some furry little friends and two varieties of small birds that you might want to welcome into your home.

Here are ten examples of small animals that can make great pets.

1. Hamsters

Hamsters are a common first pet for children due to their small size. You can keep their cages almost anywhere, making them ideal to keep in a kid’s room.

Credit: Stephanie (via Flickr)

2. Gerbils

Gerbils are another very small option if you’re interested in a rodent as a pet.

Credit: benmckune (via Flickr)

3. Mice

I don’t particularly think of mice as pets (probably because my brother used to have to buy them as food for his pet snake — something I could never bring myself to watch). But some varieties you find in pet stores are absolutely adorable. Where I live, I’m more used to the field mouse variety.

Credit: Ruud Hein (via Flickr)

4. Rats

I didn’t even realize people kept rats as pets until a few years ago. Since then I’ve known several people who do. And while rats aren’t the pet for me, I’ve heard nothing but good things about keeping them. Apparently they’re very social little creatures, and quite intelligent.

Credit: Adria Richards (via Flickr)

5. Guinea Pigs

As far as pet rodents go, guinea pigs are more my speed. Sadly, our pet guinea pig (Gaby) passed away just last week, and we’re too upset at this point to rush out and get another. But I can tell you they make wonderful pets and can be incredibly sweet. They come in both long and short-haired varieties, so be prepared to groom them regularly if you get a long-haired guinea pig (also called a cavie).

Credit: Daniel Hall (via Flickr)

6. Chinchillas

Chinchillas are some of the cutest small animals I’ve ever had experience with. My brother’s teacher had one as a class pet when we were kids. And we were asked to keep it in our house over one summer break. They’re truly amusing little creatures to watch.

Credit: Arkangel (via Flickr)

7. Rabbits

What’s not to love about cute little bunnies? What some people don’t realize is that rabbits aren’t just outdoor pets to be kept in hutches. They can also make for wonderful indoor companions. They can make a good bit of noise with their thumping though, so be prepared for that. Then again, most animals will make some kind of noise you’ll need to get used to.

Credit: Jannes Pockele (via Flickr)

8. Ferrets

Ferrets are another somewhat common small animal people keep as pets. I don’t have personal experience with these little cuties, largely because I’ve heard they can be bad biters. If you’re a ferret owner, I’d love to hear if you’ve found that to be the case or not (so leave us a comment). As you can see in the picture below, ferrets can even be taken outside for walks on a leash.

Credit: Hans Splinter (via Flickr)

9. Parakeets

The first of two birds on our list is the parakeet. My grandmother kept parakeets when I was growing up, and my only memory of them is being bitten. They’re one of the most common birds I see when I visit pet stores in the area. And they’re always some of the most beautifully-colored birds around.

Credit: Rich Young (via Flickr)

10. Cockatiels

Cockatiels are another type of small bird that can make great pets. I was never a big fan of pet birds (due to being bit by my grandmother’s parakeet as a kid). But a friend’s cockatiel changed my mind. He’s sweet, funny to listen to and watch, and extremely social. They’re also simply gorgeous animals. If you’re looking for a bird you can teach to talk or sing, but you aren’t ready to commit to a larger parrot, a cockatiel can be a good choice.

Credit: Ruben Charles (via Flickr)

Do you own any of these small animals as pets (or have you in the past)? Leave a comment and tell us about your experiences with them. Would you get the same kind of pet again or not? Let us know why. Or did we miss your favorite small pet? If so, leave a comment and share other great examples and your stories about your favorite little critters.

Jennifer Mattern

Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance writer, and former social media and PR consultant. She covers small business, online business, marketing, PR, social media, blogging, freelance writing, and indie publishing for a variety of online publications. She also handles copywriting and PR writing for small and online businesses. Find her on Twitter @jenn_mattern.

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  • i have 3 ferrets and they make wonderfull pets!!! they will run all alround and sometime run after you! mine give kisses and jumps on my shoulders!

  • I've had several Ferrets as pets. They are wonderful and at times, incredibly funny to watch. I've read here and there about them being biters. All pets have "bad manners" (puppies, kittens bite) and have to be trained not to do them. With my ferrets, while they where young, I put Bitter Apple on my hands before playing with them. It didn't take them long to realize that fingers and hands tasted terrible, so they never bit anyone.

  • I've had a ferret named Snoopy and he did have a bit of a musky smell but other than that he was an awesome pet. They are super intelligent and have great personalities. It was also hilarious to watch people literally turn their heads as I walked him down the sidewalk near my house. I've also had a panda hamster named Bandit who was super lively and very using to watch too. I was thinking about getting a bird for a next pet but I'm not sure which kind?

  • I've owned hamsters chinchillas rabbits rats and one small pet that should be added to that list, degus. By far my ratties are my favorite small pet, they are easily tamed, clever, clean and fun to play with. I have two rats at the minute who on command will give paw, spin and stand! You should look into degus also, if I didn't have my ratties I'd have degus, such funny little characters!!

  • Get a rat. They are sweet, funny, they don't bite, they are really smart, and they are loving. They love attention and they each have their own personality. They are easy to take care of and once you look past the fact that they are a rat, they are adorable. They'll respond to their names and they will respond to you. And they'll love you just as much as you love them. They are really good pets.

  • i do not like the animals listed above but i own an African pygmy hedgehog and thay are the sweetest little thing ever to set foot on earth!

  • I had ferrets before.They where cool my mom used to take them to the bus stop and we had them on a leash.We had to give them away sadly :(
    They loved being outside their cage.

  • I have had gunia pigs and hamsters my entire childhood as I was not allowed to gave cats or dogs. It wasn't until I had gotten a pet rat that I realized how great of a pet they were. The hamsters and gunia pigs always seemed to bite, where as my rats never did. They were playful, cuddly (yes that's what I said) and never boring. They only live to be around two years old, but this was the best pet I've ever had. I have had a budgie bird, a turtle, hermit crabs, a cat and two dogs when I moved out on my own, and a bunny. I'd still go with a rat any day.

  • Before you make an article about pets you haven't owned before, you should do some correct research about them, especially ferrets. Most owners don't know how to do this magical thing called 'training' with there animals and give them bad raps about them being bitters.

  • I've had guinea pigs for a few months now, and they have very distinct personalities. One, ("Ivy") is the sweetest little pet. the other, ("Holly") has some issues with biting and is hesitant about being held(i.e., running away.) Overall guinea pigs are good pets for children over 9 or families with children.