3 Must-Haves for Your Spanish Vacation

Spain is a country rich with tradition, heritage and modern fun. It’s the perfect blend of romance, adventure and parties – not to mention plenty of attractions and beaches to catch the eye of families. When traveling to Spain, you’ll need the standard gear like cameras, passports and a good bag, but there are a few other items that can make your trip through Spain even more enjoyable.

Sun Protection

Spain is sunny almost all year long. There are a few different climates throughout Spain, but thanks to its location almost completely surrounded by water, with the notable exception of Portugal on the West side, there is lots of sun to enjoy. When you’re on the beach you might automatically think of sunscreen or a large hat, but you’ll be in the sun just as often as you walk along the city streets or tour the many parks and other scenic spots throughout the country.

Bring along a hat or pack your favorite sunscreen in your suitcase inside a plastic bag before you head out. It’s much easier to have your own sunscreen on hand than to pay resort prices for a brand that’s unfamiliar – especially if you have sensitive skin or a strong preference for a particular brand of sun protection. Bringing along a hat can add a bit of style to your Spanish style and let you avoid lathering up a bit, at least.

Portable WiFi

Using your phone or laptop in a foreign country can get expensive quickly. But  you can connect directly to Spain’s 3G or 4G network when you use AllDayInternet portable WiFi. How it works is simple. It’s a small device that works like portable WiFi. You simply turn it on and connect up to five devices directly to the network.

Best of all, you don’t have to buy the special adapter for the long term. Instead, you make arrangements with the company to send the device to your hotel so that it’s there when you arrive. The package includes a stamped, addressed envelope so that you can simply drop the device in the mail on your way out of the country again.

Paper Storage

Finally, it’s a bit mundane, but when you travel you don’t always think about paperwork and getting organized. Spain is very laid back about a lot of things, but they are not especially laid back about paperwork and official documents. Bring along a file folder or envelope, perhaps one with an elastic closure for additional safety. As you get documents of any kind from anywhere, stash them in your envelope.

That way you’re ready when you need anything, and you never really know when you might need a particular receipt or piece of documentation. If there is an issue of any sort, you want to have your documents ready and on hand regardless. It may not be the most exciting or flamboyant part of your Spanish vacation, but knowing all of your paperwork is safe can let you enjoy the rest of your trip without stress.

Rebecca Garland