30+ Amazing and Funny Animal Shots

Photo by johannes asgeir

Photo by moisesm

Photo by ~ludivyne

Photo by ~Valarian-Warrior

Photo by ~xMusicStar

Photo by =Str8UpSkills

Photo by *BlastOButter

Photo by ~CenkDuzyol

Photo by *BenHeine

Photo by ~c1p0

Photo by ~roxanici

Photo *BlastOButter

Photo by ~Mapie-llifr

Photo by ~emohoc

Photo by ~jane-art

Photo by ~SuperCat0000

Photo by ~Neutron2K

Photo by ~dotau

Photo by *chriskaula

Photo by ~kaydeekayy

Photo by =BeautifulDragon322

Photo by ~StarQrider

Photo by Sky Touch

Photo by Buntekuh

Photo by Jab1983

Photo by Chris Gidney 1

Photo by Alduaij

Photo by Fanboy30

Photo by Avi_Abrams

Photo by pyza*

Photo by turbotoddi

Photo by bibamatt

Photo by mimimuck


View Comments

  • Hey "Humans Suck", Your immaturity is certainly showing through.

    Your Title and comments are meant to start flames and then you expect people to take you seriously.... If you will calm your anger a bit when talking with people you may be able to change some thinking...

    Also, if you reread my first interjection you will see that I said I agree with a lot of what you said, but of course you are not to take the suicide thing seriously, grow up! It is meant to show you how absurd your Title is. I just hope this new regime that I helped to get in office will make some of the changes you are suggesting.

    Again, you don't have to water everything down or sugar coat it but I'm telling you, the way you are starting off will only repel people.

  • Dear Humans Suck....
    Despite your pathetic and desperate attempt at appearing intelligent in any possible way, Epic Fail. You are putting down the military when you have absolutely no idea wtf you are talking about. You have not been through a damn thing in your entire little life and it shows very well through your jumbled mess of BS. You are an Armchair Specialist on everything, because you have done nothing in which to gain real life experience and someone did one hell of a job brainwashing you! Of course, you have proven that it would not take much. You just sit in your chair and watch the news of all things and then develop an opinion based on the media. WOW. I am so impressed.
    You just sit back and kick your feet up on that ottoman, watch the news, bash our men and women that have protected you, and enjoy your freedom...why shouldn't you? Other people are fighting for your right to do that and you didn't even have to lift one little finger.
    Oh, I forgot, you protect yourself right? I would love to see how you would fare in bootcamp LOL. Nah, I would much rather see you dissolve, you are a waste of oxygen.
    Too bad there is no cure for idiocy....I wish it were legal to use idiots for target practice.

  • Quote from Humans Suck... ""We constantly make mindless and ridiculous arguments such as “We need to go blow the hell out of them” (meaning other countries) and ” Love it, or leave it” (meaning I haven’t got the brains to put up a good argument with you, so you should just go be with others that I also happen to disagree with).""

    ~~Me~~I also wanted to add that, just because someone disagrees with me, does not mean I think they should commit suicide. I can certainly agree to disagree with intelligent people, but I have no use for idiots.

    Quote from Humans Suck... ""We are one of the mosted armed and deadly forces on earth, but the idea behind a large capacity of force is supposed to be so that we would never have to use it. Not so we can just fly around the world pushing people around and forcing them to our will. Wasn’t that the way Hitler managed his regime? And you know what the world thinks of him and his people.""

    ~~Me~~ His People? Meaning German people? Hmmmm...I am of German decent, that does not mean I am a Nazi...nor does it mean I hate Jewish people or anyone else for that matter. I do, However, hate stupid, arrogant brainwashed people that only believe what they see on TV or read in the papers. You haven't got a clue to even one quarter of the truth. Get over yourself.

    I wish everyone a wonderful day, enjoy the beautiful photos and do not pay attention to Humans Suck. He is only talking out of his a*s.

  • Is that the best you have ZombieHunter'sWife? A lot of name calling? Obviously the truth hurts, doesn't it?

  • Wow, You sure put me in my place. ...even though I don't see where I called anyone names.
    My point has been made, and you even helped! Have a great life :)

  • Wow...Zombie Hunter's Wife is a giant douche. I bet she is Christian...like the rest of the war mongers. Can't believe I'm yet another person roped into this...never looking at comments again.

  • LOLOL Yeah, talk about name calling. How mature of you. Nope, not a religious person at all, and not a war-monger...just because a person is or has been in the Military, or they support our home does not make them a war-monger :) Grow up and get educated a little. People like you two need to actually get involved so you might have a clue. Have a great day.

  • Wow, someone gets drafted, or joins the military out of stupidity, and the next thing you know, they think they are better than everyone else and that we owe them a livelihood.

    You have sucked up our tax dollars long enough Zombie wife. You keep getting Federal benefits for nothing. Really, we could have done it without you, because uneducated high school dropouts that join the military are a dime a dozen. Get over yourself, and pull your own weight for a change.

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