30+ Amazing and Funny Animal Shots

Photo by johannes asgeir

Photo by moisesm

Photo by ~ludivyne

Photo by ~Valarian-Warrior

Photo by ~xMusicStar

Photo by =Str8UpSkills

Photo by *BlastOButter

Photo by ~CenkDuzyol

Photo by *BenHeine

Photo by ~c1p0

Photo by ~roxanici

Photo *BlastOButter

Photo by ~Mapie-llifr

Photo by ~emohoc

Photo by ~jane-art

Photo by ~SuperCat0000

Photo by ~Neutron2K

Photo by ~dotau

Photo by *chriskaula

Photo by ~kaydeekayy

Photo by =BeautifulDragon322

Photo by ~StarQrider

Photo by Sky Touch

Photo by Buntekuh

Photo by Jab1983

Photo by Chris Gidney 1

Photo by Alduaij

Photo by Fanboy30

Photo by Avi_Abrams

Photo by pyza*

Photo by turbotoddi

Photo by bibamatt

Photo by mimimuck


View Comments

  • @ humans suck...You are a freakin idiot. PERIOD. No one is stealing their freakin oil you dumbass. They would rather burn it up than sell it to anyone, so let them destroy themselves, who cares.
    Are you a terrorist or a sympathizer? WTF is your problem with our troops protecting us...AND YOU of all people? Maybe you should just crawl back in your hole, or even move to Iraq! I really wish our brothers, sisters, Moms and dads did not have to protect F-Tards like you...However, they can't be choosy, unfortunately. I would love for you to see and bear what they go through for *you to be able to make stupid comments like you just did. You should be thankful that you are being protected...if not, get the F*** Out.

  • @audrey foster- nicely done indeed. i was contemplating whether or not to respond to some of these incredibly generalizing comments but you took the words right out of my mouth (fingers?).

    "'I’m sorry, but I have no hope that any of you will ever wise up.' – well, i’m sorry, but back the f*ck off." hahaha

    btw, humans do not suck. humans, in fact, are quite awesome. <- the fact that i wrote these sentences are proof enough.

  • No offense to anyone else, but this post wins LMAO...

    " Philly Says:
    August 31st, 2009 at 7:52 am

    I heard that if you eat enough meat you become immune to cancer because of all the cross-matter proteins orbiting inside of you.

    I also heard that Jesus was a vegan and at the sermon on the mount it was actually bread and soy patties not fish as is commonly beleived.

    I also heard that if humans hadn’t learned to make fire they would have evolved into cats the same way dolphins did."

  • im a 19 year old college student with a hefty american diet that consists of mostly meat and cheese!! and i have a 28in waist and only weigh about 120lbs on a good day. its not so much about the american diet as it is being lazy!!

  • @ Zombie Hunter's Wife "@ humans suck…You are a freakin idiot. PERIOD. No one is stealing their freakin oil you dumbass. They would rather burn it up than sell it to anyone, so let them destroy themselves, who cares.
    Are you a terrorist or a sympathizer? WTF is your problem with our troops protecting us…AND YOU of all people? Maybe you should just crawl back in your hole, or even move to Iraq! I really wish our brothers, sisters, Moms and dads did not have to protect F-Tards like you…However, they can’t be choosy, unfortunately. I would love for you to see and bear what they go through for *you to be able to make stupid comments like you just did. You should be thankful that you are being protected…if not, get the F*** Out.

    Nobody is protecting me. From what? I protect myself. You are not helping me by invading a Country that did nothing to us. I don't need your bullshit belief that you are somehow helping me in any manner, because you haven't. If anything, you made us look bad to all the other Countries that mind their own business, as we should be doing. Now the terrorists are everywhere, and do more damage with a box cutter and a plane ticket on Continental Airlines than we have done with our entire military.
    If you people REALLY want to protect someone, you don't need to join the military. Just get on a plane and the next time some nut tries to take it over, kick his ass for a change! Don't just cower in your seats like the sheep you are until they run it into a large building and kill thousands more.
    No Country is out to get us, as you were led to believe by the Bush Empire. There is only one reason that England was the only Country to join in our so called "fight on terrorism" against Iraq, and that was so they could split the oil reserves with us. Don't you people watch the news or care what is really going on around the world? Or are you just so stupid that you believe everything that the politicians tell you and believe it to be gospel.
    I hate to burst your bubble, but the American people are no more righteous than anyone else in the world, and we have no business invading other Countries unless there is a real direct threat from them. When they attack us it is called "terrorism"? When we invade their Country and steal their oil, it is called "spreading democracy"? Give me an F-ing break!
    You say you "served" your Country? You didn't serve anybody but the oil Tycoons. You didn't serve me at all. I'm not getting rich from all that oil. I never got anything from you going over and invading a benign Country like Iraq, which ended up being no threat to us at all. And all that you and your war mongering buddies got from it was maybe overpriced artificial legs and a life time of free Government benefits that I am paying for for the rest of my life. I will pay for your college, your kids college, your medical, and probably a partial disability that you took after you couldn't handle the psychological damage from that pussy war. You will sit on your ass the rest of your life getting the benefits that I work to pay for. How was that helping me? Looks like I am helping you.
    The truth hurts, but suck it up and pay attention. Let's see how you feel when your children die in something as stupid as a ridiculous occupation for oil. They didn't burn the oil because they didn't want to sell it to us. They burned it to keep us from stealing it! Kind of like when you were in school and broke your pencil to keep the bully from taking it from you.
    You are all a bunch of pansy whiners that are never happy unless you can join hands and lay flowers at someone's grave and cry. That is what Americans have been reduced to. I have never seen people embrace death and make it "popular" the way you have. Got any more candles or Teddy Bears? Let's all act like we care! Now that I have told you the truth, do you need more Counseling? Here is a novel idea, Why don't more than 47% of you go out and vote!

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