Unique Recruiting Techniques Any Business Can Adopt

Recruiting techniques are changing in 2015, and as competition rises in certain fields, businesses must develop new ways of recruiting to keep up. A company’s recruiting techniques reflect on the culture of that company. They give candidates an idea of what they can expect if they decide to accept a position. Thus outdated recruiting techniques will only discourage quality talent from wanting a spot on your payroll.

“Creative recruiting” is becoming more and more common as job seekers use new ways to apply for jobs, learn about companies, and consider their options. Fewer individuals are staying in lifelong positions with one company than ever before. Instead, fluidity is the name of the game for young professionals, who are moving through several different companies and positions during their lifetime.

Set up a Group Meeting 
Just as many experts are claiming that the resume is dead, the same could be said for traditional, one-on-one job interviews. While it’s important to speak individually with a prospect before hiring them, a group meeting could be beneficial in the earlier stages of recruiting. Group interactions allow recruiters to observe potential candidates in a professional social setting. Recruiters can arrange casual activities at these meetings (without making it too competitive or stressful) to allow each candidates strengths and weaknesses to surface naturally. This is superior to traditional interviews, which prevent candidates from being the truest version of themselves. Instead of being told by a candidate that they are confident, knowledgeable, or friendly, you can allow candidates to actually demonstrate these traits in a group interaction.

Look for Passive Talent 
Many recruiting agencies are focusing on passive talent this year (those who are not actively seeking work). This may seem like more effort than it’s worth, but recruiting passive talent can work under the right circumstances. A LinkedIn infographic entitled, Passive Talent – Not as Passive as You Think, showed the value of creating a strategy for passive talent. They broke candidates down into active, tiptoer, explorer, and super passive – meaning the only group who was truly not looking was the super passive folks.

First, remember to keep initial interactions with these candidates brief. Since they may not be entirely interested at first, you don’t want to come off as pushy or obnoxious. Second, remember that if they’re not interested in one opportunity, that doesn’t preclude them from any others at the company. Don’t write a candidate off just because they weren’t immediately enthralled by a proposition.

Create Intrigue through Media 
Who says a job ad is the only way to attract prospects? Nowadays, online job boards are saturated with talent, but not always packed with jobs. LinkedIn job postings, which often have hundreds of applications for one position, are a perfect example. This has led many job seekers to stop applying through job boards. which are seen as a waste of time or a shot in the dark.

Companies can use social media sites to briefly advertise a position or even gauge the level of interest for a position that doesn’t exist yet. You can also use youtube to create a fresh job description and introduce potential candidates to the overall vibe of the company. If done right, videos can be more engaging than job postings. Make it interesting by including other employees and shots of the work environment. A video that accurately portrays your company’s culture and values with naturally attract people that fit.

Attend Events
It’s helpful to also get inside the head of your ideal employee. Where would they spend their time? Some obvious examples are business conferences and workshops, but there are plenty more options you probably haven’t considered. Weekend events that are unrelated to your industry may be packed with prospects – you just need to determine your demographic. Is your ideal candidate likely to be younger or older? Male or female? Living in what neighborhood of your town? All these will help narrow down the kinds of events you’re likely to find them. Candidates may be more open to discussion at informal events, where recruiters are less intimidating. You can then invite prospects from these events out to coffee for a more direct discussion.

Keep these ideas in mind when job postings go stale, or your employee referral program begins to die out. Candidates will respond to creative recruiting techniques that show a company is keeping up with the times.

Brianna Johnson

Brianna is the founder of Exist Better, an Emagazine to help intuitive people better themselves and change the world. Find out more or subscribe to the blog for updates.