
Ways to beat boredom while at home

Staying at home was fun at first, but as the weeks drag on, it can get tedious. Instead of watching tv or playing games, use this time to your advantage. Learn something new, start a new hobby, or advance the skill in your career. Here are five suggestions to help get you out of bed, off the couch, and onto a new adventure.

Embrace your creative side

There are a myriad of courses online at places like Udemy, Lynda, and Khan Academy. Learn how to take better photos with your mobile phone, take an art course, or up your cooking skills. Many music teachers also are offering their classes online, allowing you to learn a new instrument without leaving your living room.

Pick up a side job

Ever wanted to work for yourself and make some money on the side? Now is the time. We are entering a new normal where social distancing and working from home will be commonplace for the foreseeable future. This change opens the door for new opportunities. Look for a remote job, sign up as a delivery driver for a local business, or create a new company to provide a service that your community now needs. 

Learn a new skill

You can earn certifications and pick up new skills that you can add to your resume without leaving the confines of your house. You can even work towards a college degree on your schedule

Create a Routine

Sometimes a routine is all you need to beat the blues. Get in the habit of getting up at the same time each day, getting dressed, and setting a goal for each day.  If you have something to do, you are less likely to slumber on the couch each day.

Get Outside

Get outside, get some fresh air, and a change of scenery. Use this time to plant a garden, landscape your yard or explore local trails that you never had time to visit. If you don’t have local trails, even a walk around the neighborhood can be refreshing. Make this a time for exploring and seeing something new. Don’t make it a workout, have some fun. 


Exercise can have a profound effect on your mood and can even boost your immune system. Take some time every day to get your heart rate up and your muscles moving. Get a treadmill or an exercise bike if you cannot go outside. Buy some kettlebells from your local Walmart or Target. If you don’t have any equipment, you can do bodyweight exercises or online fitness classes.   

Work on your website and social media accounts

Want to be that YouTuber who posts regularly to a crowd of adoring fans? If they can do it, you can too. Use this time to transform your website or social media accounts from bland to bold. Record content that you can post now and in the future. Make a plan for posting and stick to it.

Socialize Safely

You can still socialize as long as you do it safely. Use online tools like Zoom or Facebook, to stay connected with friends and family. If your area allows for local travel, then visit a friend. Keep a safe distance and chat. Just physically seeing someone you know and love, even from a distance,  will give you a boost. 

Find a new favorite podcast.

Podcasts are a great way to learn new things or stay up to date on the news. Find a podcast that is updated weekly, so you have something to look forward to each week. If you are ambitious, find several new podcasts, so you have a new episode each day of the week. Some podcasts even record live so you can comment and participate while it is being recorded. 

Signup for a virtual event

We can’t gather together in person, but we can gather together online. Running races that have been canceled are now offering virtual challenges where people can run the race in their neighborhood. Nobody wins, but those who complete the challenge are entered into a  drawing for a prize giveaway. Musicians are streaming pre-recorded concerts online where you can watch the show with other people. It’s all for fun, but it makes you feel like you are part of something bigger. 

Get an animal companion

Adopt a dog or cat from a local shelter. If you are not ready for a full-time commitment, see if they are looking for volunteers. You may be able to foster a pet at your home temporarily or come in regularly to take their dogs for a walk. If animals are not allowed where you live, you also can adopt a smaller pet like a guinea pig, bird or fish. Just make sure you have the time to care for the animal after you return to work and normal life resumes. 

Kelly Hodgkins