15+ Business Cards Visualizing the Business

Business cardsA business card is one of the most important elements of the successful business.

It represents the brand and makes sure it is remembered.

Therefore if you don’t pay enough attention to your business card, it means you are screwing up one of the most essential parts of your brand identity.

While there are a wealth of creative designs, this post looks at those that represents the business visualizing what it does:

Can you guess what this person is doing? I bet you can once you see the business card:

Hair maker business card

Another way to create an association with the stylist: a comb:

Stylist business card

A business card representing what the company is doing: can you think of anything else than "stamps" when you are looking at it?

Stamp company business card

This is more abstract but still works like a charm associating it with the person’s service:

Post marriage business card

Simplistic one, yet it speaks for itself:

Radio presenter's business card

A good way to demonstrate why you need a personal trainer – to have enough strength to stretch the business card:

Personal trainer business card

A similar idea: if you can’t inflate the balloon, you definitely need help of the chest physician:

Chest physician business card

Why tell people you sell office furniture, when you can show them.

Office furniture business card

What can demonstrate the lawn enhancement business more vividly than a few seeds inside?

lawns business cards

100% wool – definitely 🙂

Farm business card

Teeth marks or a business card weaved with dental floss is a good way to show what you do.

dentist business card

Another great idea for a dentist’s business card: a demonstration of a cured tooth:

dentist business card

The best way to show you are a mechanical engineer

mechanica engineer business card

A nice way to visualize a break-up:

Divorce business card

This one just needs no comment:

Piano repair business card

And this one even looks scary:

meat business card

Post image by kvanhorn