Top United States Army Special Operations Conflicts

The United States Army special operations community is comprised of four main combat elements: Delta Force, Green Berets (Special Forces), Rangers and Nightstalkers (Special Operations Aviation Regiment or SOAR). In the past thirty years, these units have participated in conflicts around the globe.

Operation Eagle Claw (Desert One): Iran

On April 24, 1980, elements of Delta Force and 1st Ranger Battalion set out to rescue 53 Americans who had been taken hostage at the American embassy in Iran.

With mechanical issues with three helicopters, the mission was aborted.

Shortly after the order was issued to abort, another helicopter crashed into a C-130 causing eight casualties.

The mission was a failure and the hostages remained in Iran until the following January.

Operation Urgent Fury: Grenada

On October 25, 1983, Delta Force, 1st Ranger Battalion and 2nd Ranger Battalion invaded Grenada to protect American citizens and assist in restoring order to the island nation.

A great portion of the forces had to unexpectedly jump into the combat zone while the rest were inserted by fast roping out of Blackhawk helicopters.

The mission was a success though highly criticized by other nations including Canada, Russia and Britain.

Operation Just Cause: Panama

On December 20, 1989, Delta Force, Special Forces and all three Ranger Battalions were tasked with taking down the PDF and capturing General Noriega in Panama so he could be charged with drug smuggling.

They seized the airfield and the surrounding areas under heavy gun fire from the PDF. Even with 23 American casualties, the mission was a success and ended on December 27th.

Noriega surrendered on his own to face the charges against him.

Task Force Ranger: Somalia

In 1993, the UN Ambassador to Somalia requested assistance in removing Mohamed Farrah Aidid from power in the country.

The United States deployed elements of Delta Force, 3rd Ranger Battalion and Nightstalkers to accomplish the task.

The elements entered the country in August but the real mission took place on October 3rd when intelligence indicated Aidid would be meeting with two of his top lieutenants.

The mission was going as planned until the opposition took down a Blackhawk helicopter that was circling the area. Some of the teams were redirected to the downed helicopter. Shortly after, a second helicopter was hit. Known for never leaving a fallen comrade, the special operations teams worked their way to secure the bodies in the two helicopters.

The pilot of the second helicopter had his body dragged through the streets and was held hostage for eleven days before eventually being released. When October 4th arrived, the Americans had suffered nineteen casualties and endured the worst fighting in recent history ultimately resulting in a failed mission.

Battle of Takur Ghar: Afghanistan

On March 4, 2002, a Navy SEAL fell from a helicopter that was fired on by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Rangers from 1st Battalion were flown by Nightstalkers to rescue the fallen SEAL.

With communication issues, the Rangers were unaware they were landing in a hot zone and immediately came under heavy fire. The troops were able to secure the mountain top. Whether the mission was a success depends on who is asked.

Arguing between high-ranking officers led to the communication issues and played a part in the American deaths that occurred. It is also widely believed that high ranking Al Qaeda officers, including possibly Bin Laden, were able to escape during the battle.

All photos courtesy of USASOC.


Stacey Abler is a professional business writer who holds an MBA with a focus on marketing and entrepreneurship. She specializes in articles about marketing, human resources and finance. As an Army wife, she has a special interest in military subjects.

View Comments

  • You forgot the Marine Corps. No special part of the Marine Corps, all of it.
    The Marines are all trained as infantry and any Marine Corps cook is better qualified as an infantryman than the best army troops.
    My unit was called the Surveillance, Reconnaissance, And Intelligence Group (SRIG)and we were in Panama, Iraq, on the Panama/Honduran boarder - anywhere you found a conflict, we were there.

    • While the Marine Corps is definitely an important part of the U.S. Military, this particular article was only about special operations within the U.S. Army.

      • Ok I have known many Marines from many walks of life. I know "Force Recon" Marines,and other MARSOC types (i am in the tier one reconnaissance community myself) Intel, Flight Ops, Infantry, AND cooks (several) and they all do their jobs VERY well. I am gonna call "not true" considering a Marine Cook on par with an Army Infantryman. I even polled 2 current Marine cooks and they both pretty much snickered at the comment.

        • Why do we still have this posturing today? We are all a team, we all have our jobs. If someone does not feel "special" enough, there are certainly ways to get "more special"

  • Its about ARMY Special Ops. Not the US Military. Dont worry your were not let out on purpose as this was about ARMY. You need to really get over yourself. The Marines are good just as the Army, Navy and Air Force. So relax and take your medication. I have trained some Marines and the are good men. Just glad they are not like McLaughlin.

  • ok... understandable they had some screw ups... but my first tour in Iraq we worked a lot with Spec Ops and we didnt have one botched mission... my second tour in iraq spec ops have been successful in every snatch and grab theyve had around our area... sometime plans dont go the way they were planned

  • McLaughlin, I have three siblings that are marine and I agree with you but please don't say you were in the Panama/Honduran border because Panama has no border with Honduras but with Colombia and Costa Rica.

  • Yes, the Marines are the best blah blah blah. Stacey is exactly right about this. Its about US Army SPECOPS conflicts. You all, until recently, did not have an "official" SPECOPS tho we all know Force Recon is definitely that. Now you have MARSOC which undoubtedly will create its own great history to rival the other service's branches. Don't be an ass about it and try to defame the brave infantryman of the Army with some cook. We all serve a purpose and the grunts in the army are as good if not better than marines. Proved it in Iraq and Afghanistan and proved it with our SPECOPS folks. That's why they are in the Army and not the Marines. Semper Fi ya jerk.

  • God Bless Every Single American Service Member.

    25 years ago I got to patrol DMZ'z on two continents. 1st ID Infantry Medic speaking here. I was just your average certified, infantryman Rifleman, Medic, Generator, Light and Heavy Wheeled Mechanic, NBC Tech, Como, sharpshooter.

    Marine McLaughlin, you take it, we'll hold it.

    • Hear here, Andrew. Competition between the branches is really a juvenile, unnecessary thing since we all have a common goal and interest. I was with the Rangers for a few years and I do not exalt myself to be better than anyone else. I also have had the chance to work jointly with SPECOPS in other branches, and were, for the most part, very professional with eachother.
      Well, now we know why some Marines such as McLaughlin are known as Jarheads. I also admire you for doing all of the things you did when you served. God bless.

  • That's a pretty bold statement mclaughing. I am a cavalry scout in the Army and I didn't get my feelings hurt by that article.

  • I am very proud of the marines that my dad and five uncles served wich one died. also proud of us army wich my brother retired from but still works for and for my only son Cody Bullard whom graduated early from high school to join to fight 911 iraq and to become air born and train to be Ranger pluss he signed early for another four years and today is his birthday may 14th .im proud of my son!he has worked for everything he has including mototcycles go carts .he pays for fourwheel drive truck his own ins ext. he fought in iraq and is ready to go were he is needed to help us have peace in the united states. I am a single father who loves my son.happy b day cody.

  • Mclaughlin, your cook can make my eggs when i am patrol. the Marine everyone a rileman is a joke. Even my former 0300 friends say so. A pog in the Army is a pog in the Marines

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