Aug 19 World Photography Day

World Photography Day, celebrated on August 19, is about sharing the love of photography, sharing the precious moments captured by the lens, and paying homage to those whose work contributed to making photography a reality. The day itself represents the day in 1839 that the French government offered the newly discovered process to the world as a gift. Those whose work contributed to modern day photography include Thomas Wedgwood, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, Hércules Florence, Louis Daguerre, William Henry Fox Talbot, John Herschel, Slovene Janez Puhar and many others.

"Next time you're flicking though photos from your last holiday, remember that there was once a time when photography didn't exist," says Koske Ara (, a driving force behind World Photography Day. "A photograph isn't 'just' a picture and isn't 'just' art. It's a memory frozen in time, emotions and all," he adds.

Events slated for World Photography Day include showcasing personal photographic work, creating online galleries, presenting and attending photo displays at museums, local arts councils, selling photographic creations at street fairs and special marketplaces, conducting art history symposiums and generally enjoying the beauty photography has allowed us to capture at a moment in time.

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