Sept 21 International Day of Peace

To show solidarity on the global holiday dubbed International Day of Peace (21 September) by the United Nations (U.N.), moments of silence will be observed at Noon in every time zone around the world. In part, the UN resolution to adopt an international peace day encourages all nations "to devote a specific time to concentrate the efforts of the United Nations and its Member States, as well as the whole of mankind, to promoting the ideals of peace and to giving positive evidence of their commitment to peace in all viable ways." Also known as World Peace Day (unofficially), IDP also specifically calls for the absence of war and violence, encouraging temporary ceasefire in combat zones for humanitarian aid access.

The International Day of Peace recognizes the efforts of individuals, organizations and governments to end conflict and promote peace. There are a wide range of activities that one can participate in or even spearhead to help commemorate and hold up the light for International Day of Peace. Some such activities include: lighting a candle at noon, sitting in silent meditation, or performing random acts of kindness; school activities, music concerts, global comedy clubs, peace doves, prayer vigils, peace conferences, peace walks, academic forums, inter-religious ceremonies, readings and poetry contests. Seek to further engage youth in promoting a culture of peace through service projects, sports, music, dance, crafts, and food tastings. And, if you're in New York, attending the UN activities.

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