You spend a lot of time writing your blog posts. You dig deep to come up with fresh and interesting ideas, you slave over every word to get your posts just right, you find the perfect images to add flare to your posts, and you tweak the formatting to make everything look perfect.
Then what? You publish the post, promote it a bit, and a day or two later, it’s forgotten. You’ve published another new post in its place, and tomorrow, you’ll publish another one to bury it even further. And so it continues. That seems like an awful lot of hard work for something so fleeting, don’t you think?
The truth is we’re not getting enough out of the blog posts that we work so hard on. We’re missing opportunities to repurpose our blog posts to get more out of them. If you’re going to put in the time and effort to write great blog posts, it just makes sense to squeeze everything you can out of them.
Repurposing Your Blog Posts for eProducts and More Traffic
Turn them into an eBook
Did you know that a lot of the eBooks that bloggers publish are not much more than a collection of repurposed blog posts? It’s true. Your blog posts can be collected, tweaked, and turned into a perfectly good eBook. You can use the eBook in any number of ways that you like, whether you want to give it away in exchange for an email address or even sell it.
Create an infographic out of a post
Infographics are incredibly popular right now. People respond well to infographics because they present information in a way that’s visually appealing and easy to follow. If you have access to a good designer, consider spinning an information-rich, data-heavy post into an infographic. You can market this infographic heavily as they tend to be very shareable and offer a lot of viral potential.
Record a podcast of your post
The podcast market is always growing. More and more people listen and subscribe to podcasts, including a lot of people who wouldn’t ever read your blog. You can easily turn your blog posts into audio podcasts with a cheap microphone and free recording software. You can publish your podcasts on iTunes or any number of other podcast directories out there.
Write a press release
Does your blog post offer something newsworthy? Whether you’re announcing actual company news or releasing a study, there are many different types of blog posts that can be turned into a newsworthy press release to send out to reporters.
Create bite-sized social media posts
Pull bits and pieces from your blog posts and share them in short form on Facebook. Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and any other social networks or communities that you belong to.
Create articles for your email newsletter
Your email newsletter needs interesting content that engages your audience. This is the perfect place to share shortened versions of your blog posts. You can include a link to the full version to drive traffic to your site.
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