Home Reviews Business.Com Directory

Business.Com Directory

by Hasan

Business.com was initiated in the year 1999 as a mere search engine formulated only for the existing businesses along with an interesting group of initial founders including the very popular Mc Graw Hill and thereby flourishing in the business sector and getting the other small business search directories out of business!

There are three main types of paid advertising on this search engine when you hit up on the search results pages which are the “premium, sidebar and standard placements”. This business site is pretty concise and comes out as a clear website as far as we look at the descriptions of the advertising alternatives available. It also offers a chart comparing the three advertisement sorts to help choose the best customized option.

There are a lot of concerns recently regarding the future of this website; however it still manages to keep a good reputation amongst the business directory searches. It has managed to keep a strong editorial command over the advertisements that are featured on the site and also some strict regulations for any kind of inclusion and the content of any ad that paves a way for a straightforward advertisement scenario. Lastly it can also be called a great place to look in for sales leads related to other pay per click search engines. But along with all the good things about this business site, it is highly criticized that every advertisement on this website is paid. Business.com has a strict rule about the language of the website. Any site that is not in English cannot be included in this search engine and therefore it makes it pretty infamous amongst the other communities that do not speak English. There have been a lot of recent issues about the click fraud happening and the amount of revenues. Therefore it has started receiving very less traffic from the other search engines like Google and overture.

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1 comment

Wezp Directory June 5, 2007 - 8:00 pm

I haven’t submitted my directory to business.com yet. But I belive they are old directory so google likes him:)


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