When I was small I saw some paintings in my grandma’s house. They were pretty typical — reproductions of paintings of some famous artists. It’s not that I didn’t like them, but only now do I truly understand how many talented artists are really out there. I can find something that’s dear to my heart and I don’t have to buy a painting just because the original artist is famous. There are more options available to us. The surreal and strange paintings here in this collection help us visualize something beyond what we consider “normal” — they allow us to imagine alternate realities, dreams, and even nightmares. The artists use different techniques and mediums, and some of the works rather remind me of illustrations or 3D graphic design work. Still, I love the diversity and I hope you will enjoy them as well.
Ian Francis
Website: www.ifrancis.co.uk
Casey Weldon
Website: www.caseyweldon.com
Jason Graham
Website: www.jasongraham.wearelowercase.com
Dennis Brown
Website: www.behance.net/Bags43
Dilka Bear
Website: www.flickr.com/photos/dilkathebear/
Jacob Livengood
Website: www.jacoblivengood.blogspot.com
Helen Mirosedina
Website: www.mirosedina.com
David MacDowell
Website: www.macdowellstudio.com
Felix Girard
Website: www.felixgirard.com
Eli Tiunine
Website: www.elitiunine.com
Tuomas Ikonen
Website: www.tuomasikonen.com
Wei Yan
Website: www.kokomoo.blogbus.com
Sergey Ryzhov
Website: www.sneak-behind-me.livejournal.com
Alex Andreyev
Website: www.alexandreev.com