Most Dangerous Dogs in the World (2021)

What makes one dog breed get a reputation for being more dangerous than others? Should you be more cautious around specific breeds? And does a dog’s breed even matter, or is it always a case of bad training?

Let’s explore some of the world’s most dangerous dogs together. You’ll also learn about what makes us think of certain dog breeds as dangerous. Additionally, we’ll cover the role and history of dog training in building these reputations.

Dangerous Dogs (by Design?)

There are a number of reasons people tend to think of certain dog breeds as more dangerous than others. Not all reasons are valid in the same way: Some are hard statistics, others are personal experiences. But they all can play an important role in our understanding of these animals and our discussion about what might make some more dangerous than others.

Here are some of the reasons we tend to consider certain dogs to be the most dangerous dog breeds:

Reasons for (Perceived) Dangerousness

  • There are more reported incidences of dog bites and serious injuries from some breeds. This is one of the big reasons some municipalities consider Pit Bulls the most dangerous dog, even requiring special insurance if you want to have one in some areas.
  • The sheer size of some breeds can increase that perceived “danger factor.” Many of the largest breeds actually have very calm temperaments. Their danger has to do with the potential for more serious injuries if those dogs happen to attack or even accidentally injure someone.
  • Some dogs give us a feeling of danger because they were literally designed to instill it over the course of history. For example, we’re used to seeing German Shepherds used as police dogs. We’re used to seeing breeds such as Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers being trained as guard dogs. And we’re used to stories of American Pit Bull Terriers being trained for dog fighting.
  • Another big thing that affects our opinions of dog breeds is our personal experience with them. Similarly, anecdotal stories we hear from others can affect us. They may have had either positive or negative experiences with certain types of dogs.

Let’s focus more on that last reason, as I believe it can have the most impact.

Beware of the Dog Sign
Credit: Mandee Sears (via Flickr)

How Our Personal Experiences Affect Our Views of Dog Breeds

Whether it’s right or wrong for us to judge a dog breed based on our limited experiences and the stories we hear about them, it’s something most of us do on some level (myself included). So I’d like to share some personal stories and how they’ve affected me (or not affected me, though you might think it should have).

We saw this in your comments on the original list. For example, we had people saying Pit Bulls aren’t dangerous because their own experiences with the breed have been pleasant. Others shared experiences on the other side of the spectrum.

Personally, I come in somewhere in the middle. I’m not naive enough to think that breed alone makes all pit bulls dangerous or more vicious than other dogs. But I’m also not naive enough to ignore the evidence that this breed has a history of causing more frequent and more serious injuries than most, if not all, others.

Clearly the breed plays some role. Some breeds lean toward different temperaments, or have different loyalties. These might make them great with their own families but naturally suspicious of strangers or other animals or even small children, who have less self-restraint than adults.

My Brother’s Pit Bull Encounter

Personal experience is also a factor, though. My brother has a small dog. He took the dog outside at his apartment building into the parking lot. Another neighbor was outside with their Pit Bull. It wasn’t on a leash (while this is a requirement, going unleashed isn’t terribly uncommon around here). By all measures the dog would have seemed like a normal, calm family pet.

Until it saw my brother’s dog.

It immediately charged at them and grabbed his dog by the throat. There was no provocation, no unusual noise, and they were across the lot — not close to the pit bull’s owner in any way. My brother was able to rescue his dog by lifting the Pit Bull and literally prying its mouth open (which, by the way, is a stupid thing to do — please don’t ever follow that example). The dog let go and his dog was okay after being treated for its injuries. The Pit Bull then latched onto my brother’s arm though. Again, he was okay after being treated, but the wound wasn’t insignificant. It could have been far worse.

My Take on Breed vs. Training

That puts me in that middle ground territory I mentioned before. Personal experience with this breed is terrible. There was no warning sign that the owner trained this dog to attack or fight. In fact, the aggression caught its owner completely off-guard. It just snapped at the sight of a smaller dog. That kind of sudden reaction is far from unheard of with this breed.

But that said, I don’t fault an entire breed (in the case of Pit Bulls, actually three different breeds) for the actions of that single dog. The lack of predictability of some breeds would make them “more dangerous” in my view. But the same goes for poor training and bad behavior by an owner (like allowing any breed with known issues with children or other animals to run free without a leash).

This is far from the only example I could give. Saint Bernards are also sometimes cited as some of the most dangerous dogs. But they’re also known for being calm-tempered and being good with kids. It’s their fierce loyalty that can be an issue.

Guard and Danger

A family member had one years ago. That dog was a great dog for most of its life. It even helped to stop a burglar in the family’s building. But years later it lunged at another family member who the dog knew for its entire life. They came to visit, and out of the blue the dog lunged and went for her eye. She’s still terrified of the breed to this day (and understandably so after an experience like that).

We can’t explain the unprovoked attack. It might have been a breeding issue. The dog might have been having a bad day in some way. We just don’t know. I understand her fear of the breed. But it’s not one I hold myself as a result — perhaps because I didn’t see it first-hand.

Some people find my dog’s underbite to be intimidating. But I know this is just her smiling after eating her favorite treat (with crumbs still all over her face and the floor). But even happy pups can be dangerous in their own ways.

I personally own a mixed breed dog — Border Collie mixed with a Lab. At this stage in her life, I would also consider her to be a dangerous dog, especially around children. She is in no way violent. She’s great with cats and other dogs.

Why my Dog Isn’t Harmless

She’s still at that point where she’s young, wants to play all the time, and she doesn’t realize her own size or strength. The hyper aspect is specific to breeds. Both Labs and Border Collies can be very high strung, especially in their first couple of years.

Neighbors and family members don’t want her playing with their tiny dogs, and I think that’s understandable. And I wouldn’t take her out to play with small children for fear that she’d accidentally hurt them by jumping up or knocking them over as she tries to play. Being dangerous isn’t always a case of being naturally vicious, and that’s why so much falls onto the owner. It’s our responsibility to make sure our dogs aren’t put into situations where they’re more likely to cause harm.

It’s this little guy that my guests should be most concerned about. He can be more vicious than any dog I’ve personally known. He mauled the last stranger who tried to rub that tummy (never, ever, ever pet an animal you don’t know without asking the owner first; she tried even after being warned).

How About Your Experiences?

If you’ve had experiences that have shaped your own views of what makes for a dangerous dog breed, let us know in the comments. Tell us what happened and whether or not you think it’s a fair way to judge a larger group of dogs based on the action (or actions) you’ve seen first-hand, and why.

Now let’s get to our original list of some of the seemingly most dangerous dogs, based on breeds. Now that you know why certain breeds have earned their “most dangerous dogs” reputations, can you think of others that might also have a similar history? Tell us in the comments.

Every person that I know deeply cares about his or her pets. They are their best friends. They tenderly love each other. Sometimes they eat together, sleep together, and go for walks together.

I’m more of a cat person, but I can’t sit still when I see little puppies or big dogs with big soft fur. I want to hug them, play with them, and give them some of my love and tenderness too. I’ve also seen many adult dogs of different breeds worth praise and true admiration. They are clever, sociable, and funny when you want to play; calm and patient with kids.

And they’re something I can’t credit cats with: They are faithful.


The Human Influence

Personally, I don’t know any dog that would bite without warning or just snap. It’s my firm belief that behavior of the dog doesn’t depend on its breed so much as it being the right training and the “master” that matter. In my opinion, humans are most often responsible for dangerous dogs. That said, there might be some truth in the idea that some breeds have more unstable temperaments than others. Knowing this, we should never provoke them.

Think for a minute and analyze your own life. Are we always polite? I can think of several situations when I would have gladly slapped a man in the face, but thank God I’m weak enough and I can control myself (at least I think that I can). Now think about animals. They have instincts too, and they may forget about good manners. It’s not as if they understand them in the same ways we do.

It’s also important for dog owners to protect both other people and their dogs from unexpected circumstances and thus the unpleasant situations. For example, when going outside, they could always use a dog-lead and a muzzle. They could be careful and not let the dog play on its own without a leash, especially when there are other people around. When you have a dog, you become forever responsible for the animal you’ve trained and tamed.

Why I Wrote This List

In any case, it’s good to know what breeds of dogs might be most dangerous, just to keep yourself safe. Sometimes the danger in a dog isn’t even a nasty personality, but a matter of them not knowing their own strength.

Even though I personally still find it hard to believe that breed alone determines whether a dog is “dangerous,” you never know what a dog’s owner has taught it. Reliable research into the most dangerous dogs included below comes from the American Veterinary Medical Association, the CDC, and the Humane Society of the United States.

We’ll start with least dangerous of the bunch. Sorry, but there won’t be any terrifying photos today.

Read Also: Ready for a Dog? What Breed?


Origin: Croatia, Middle Ages
Weight: 40-70 lbs
Height: 20-24 inches

Dalmatians are active and energetic dogs, and love to be outdoors. They are very playful and love running.

There’s still no definite info about what this breed was originally bred for. What is known is that it is the oldest spotted breed in Europe, Asia and Africa. They were serving as warriors, hunters, and shepherds long before finally becoming the symbol of the US fireman.




Origin: Germany, 1850s
Weight: 50-64 lbs
Height: 20-25 inches

The boxer is a very strong “square” dog. Boxers love to walk, but the owner should never forget the leash. It’s also better to refrain from aggressive games. Still, boxers recognize all members of the family and can play well with the children.

The boxer breed has its origins in feudal Germany and dates back to the line of bulldogs that existed in Europe in the 16th century. These ancestors lived for hunting wild boars and other big wild animals. The first puppy in the new breed received the name “Box”. Boxer’s qualities, such as their strength, were highly valued by farmers and shopkeepers.



Presa Canario

Origin: Canary Islands, Africa, 18th century
Weight: 100-125 lbs
Height: 25-26 inches

The Presa Canario hails from the Canary Islands. Dogs of this breed had two jobs: Hunting – and war. During the 18th century, English traders and merchants came to the Canary Islands, bringing with them their working and gladiator dogs, notably the Mastiff of England and the bulldog. Englishmen also brought with them their traditions of pit fighting for which their breeds and the island dogs were inevitably mixed and eventually bred to produce the ultimate fighter. Nowadays the breed finds use in guarding, handling, and driving cattle.

The dogs of this breed can be gentle and noble with their families, showing great affection to their owners, but are highly suspicious of strangers.



Saint Bernard

Origin: Switzerland, Middle Ages
Weight: 110-180 lbs
Height: 24-29 inches

Saint Bernards are amazingly big and easygoing dogs, but due to their impressive size they can look a bit awkward. They are quiet and peaceful, love children, and are not inclined to active and rapid games. A Saint Bernard will need all of your attention, so if you spend days in the office, this dog is not for you. They are tremendously strong and, of course, they require a good bit of space.

Most likely, the ancestor of the Saint Bernard was the Alpine Mastiff, a pretty aggressive breed. The original Saint Bernards were working dogs and scouts. They were also much calmer than their Mastiff ancestors. For that reason, they make for excellent home companions today.



Great Dane

Origin: Germany, Middle Ages to 19th century
Weight: 90-120 lbs
Height: 27-32 inches

Great Danes are beautiful and majestic animals, with a gentle and loving nature. They love to play with children and participate in all family events and activities, especially in the outdoors. They are happy to go for a walk and don’t mind the company of other dogs. Despite their gigantic size, Great Danes can even feel quite at home in a city.

In the Middle Ages, these dogs earned their living in dog fighting and by hunting big mammals.



Chow Chow

Origin: China, Antiquity
Weight: 40-65 lbs
Height: 18-22 inches

The chow chow is an independent dog often focused only on its own needs. Chow chows need constant physical activity and communication, even if they don’t seem to like being disturbed much.

The chow chow’s original purposes were hunting and helping shepherds.



Doberman Pinscher

Origin: Germany, 19th century
Weight: 65-90 lbs
Height: 26-28 inches

Doberman Pinschers (often just called Dobermans) are dogs whose traits emphasize protecting and defending instincts. It is important to avoid any type of aggressive play and struggle with these dogs. Instead, use the games to develop the Doberman’s intelligence. Even though they aren’t small dogs, Dobermans can adapt to life in a city and become a perfect companion for an experienced, physically active owner.

This breed has its roots in in Germany. The breeder Louis Doberman decided to combine the qualities of guard dogs and and the terrier. Luis was a policeman, and so saw the need for a dog that would devotedly defend its owner.



Alaskan Malamute

Origin: North America, Ancient times
Weight: 80-110 lbs
Height: 23-28 inches

The Malamute is a friendly dog, but it has rather an independent temper. It’s better to keep this dog in a village, far from the city. Sometimes violent and energetic, they constantly need to move or play.

Note that Malamutes are a working dog breed from a colder climate.  So, if you don’t live in the deep north, make your Malamute a nice playground. That’s because they are always in need of physical activity.

The name of the breed comes from a local North American tribe. They used the Malamute to transport goods on a sleigh.




Origin: Siberia, Ancient times
Weight: 35-55 lbs
Height: 20-24 inches

Training a Husky is not that easy. For these reasons, breeder don’t recommend this dog for beginning owners. Initially, these dogs transported goods on a sleigh. Not afraid of cold weather, they’re very active and loving dogs. Huskies love to get together with other members of their breed and howl at the moon.



German Shepherd

Origin: Germany, 19th century
Weight: 70-85 lbs
Height: 22-26 inches

German Shepherds are very beautiful dogs, distinguished from other breeds by their reliable and obedient temper. They are in need of constant and serious physical activity though, and they seem to  prefer long walks and active games.

Originally (as obvious from the name), the dogs guarded grazing sheep. They are great home guards and often participate in programs for the disabled.




Origin: Germany, 1820s
Weight: 85-110 lbs
Height: 23-27 inches

Rottweilers are powerful dogs with strong jaws, primarily meant to protect. Their original breeders selected those traits especially for that purpose. They often don’t like strangers and other dogs — they are guards at heart, and the dog owner should always remember that.



Pit Bull

Origin: US, 19th century
Weight: 30-55 lbs
Height: 18-22 inches

The Pit Bull is named after its original purpose: The questionable amusement of dog fighting in pits. Sad as it is, that bloody tradition has survived in places, and Pit Bulls still have to take their part in it.



Photos source: Flickr

American Bulldog

Origin: Southern U.S., 17th century
Weight: 60-120 lbs
Height: 20-28 inches

The American Bulldog is descended from the now-extinct Old English Bulldog, which was bred for farm guarding, livestock herding and bringing down game, and blood sports such as bull-baiting.

Today’s American Bulldog arose from any such dogs brought to America by working-class immigrants, many of them former farmers. In the South, these dogs were an important line of defense against feral hogs.

By the time of World War II, the American Bulldog almost went extinct, but was saved through selective breeding. 

These dogs are large, heavy, and have powerful jaws with a typical overbite. They were bred for aggression and protection instincts. While they are suspicious of strangers, they are also very loyal and family-friendly. However, they need lots of space and attention. 


Origin: England, 19th century
Weight: 100-130 lbs
Height: 24-27 inches

Bred around 1860 by English gamekeepers, the Bullmastiff’s job was to guard game preserves. They caught poachers, holding them until they could be arrested. They emerged from a cross of the large but non-aggressive Mastiff with the aggressive but smaller, lighter Bulldog. 

Starting in the 20th century, they became a distinctive breed. 

Today, Bullmastiffs are typical watch and guard dogs. They are fiercely loyal and love their families, but they have an extremely strong territorial instinct, and can be stand-offish towards strangers. When they’re properly trained, Bullmastiffs are also frequently used as gentle therapy dogs. 

They are easy to groom, doesn’t shed, but are very prone to drooling. Bullmastiffs generally don’t need too much attention or movement. 

Note that this dog was bred to be very quiet, so it won’t audibly warn when it’s startled or otherwise in a bad temper. In combination with their strengths, this makes Bullmastiffs one of the potentially most dangerous dogs.

Note: This post was originally published on April 1, 2009. It has since been updated with a new introduction and further background on the history of dangerous dogs.

Join the discussion

  • really st. benard i have met many saint benards in my day and none of them were ever mean or aggresive they were acually very nice

  • yes pitbull & rotweiler is most first dangerous dogs in the world. any pitbull & rotweiler dogs sales . i want rot weiler or pitbull dogs. plz address sent me thank u…………

  • you know what the pitbull is my world since every dog can be train it can also be train if only i wont 2 do so.please people should stop painting his dogs name in mud.people reli wnt 2 go in 4 dis dog but dey are scared away abt wat people,,,,,is the same as any another dog people.

  • Pit bulls are not the worlds most aggressive dogs in this fricken world get it right people its the little ones not the pits blame the deed not the breed

  • The strongest bite force for a dog is the Turkish Kangal. 743 psi of power. They were bred to kill Tigers and Lions.

      • I own a Rottweiler and while very powerful they are not as strong as the bigger dogs such as Kangals, Boerboels, and Neapolitan Mastiffs who all most certainly have stronger bites.

        • Kangal’s really? Not a chance, Rottie’s are stronger in almost every way compared to those dogs, even though they are larger. In fact rottie’s are considered the third strongest dog breed in the world relative to their size (after 2/3 of Pit Bull types, and American Bulldogs)

          • kangal’s are. watch a clip on utube a kangal pulling a 8 tonne tractor , no rotty in the world could do that . peace :]

          • Actually Turkish kangs have the most powerful jaws. It was tested. Rots came in second. Look it up. Turkey banned the sell of there dogs to the U.S. because of what we did the pitbulls. We can only get german turkish kangs

    • that is very inaccurate… Kangals are Livestock Guardian Dogs that protect their stock against all enemies but would not stand a chance against Lion or Tigers… Why people make and repeat these silly myths is beyond me… there is no real way to know if a dog is giving it’s best bite or not .. I have seen pitbull chew up golf balls like they were candy and German Shepherd chew on one all day and just make marks on it… yet the German Shepherd is considered to have a stronger bite than a pit bull .. Truth is no domestic dog has ever registered 743 lbs on a bite sleeve .. Kangals have a bite very similar to a large German Shepherd or a Mastiff…

  • I think that the author of this piece should think twice about summarizing expert studies and rehashing them with her own opinion on topics such as this. I do not believe the public is better off by reading this opinion made to look like a fact sheet. What is next, top ten pace makers, storms, deadly diseases?

    • This article is not meant to offend anyone. The purpose of blogging is to share YOUR opinion with the world. I can see your point though. Perhaps a tip for this author is to include more research facts in her/his posts next time. I am not saying that she did not prioritize the list accurately. Some of the dogs mentioned are quite aggressive like: Chow Chow, Doberman, Pitbull and Rotweiler. On the other hand I have had a German Shephard for years and he was such a sweet dog providing you give it training and a lot of time to exercise so that it can loose energy. I think that the goal of any owner (to avoid aggression) is to socialize its dog properly at an early age.

      • Dani nice job being a hyprocrite aww this website isnt ment to offend anyone even though pittys rottys and chow chows are quiet agressive but my german shepared is to nice to be agressive

        • I have owned Pitbulls, Chows, and Rotti’s all at one time they were all rescues. NONE of them were a threat or danger to my children. Learn about the breed and spend time with one before judging them.

  • HI.. I have had rabbits love birds as pets, but now I need a dog that is super-cute as pup (not ferocious, for have a 3 months baby) though when the pup grows up, it looks almost like German shepherd or even lebrador or retriever. PLEASE suggest me!! Been a week now for this research.

    • Hi Pallavi,

      German Shepherds are more likely to have issues, so I would recommend a Lab from a good breeder or from someone whose parent dogs are calm and have good dispositions. There are working labs that are very hyper and others that are very mellow. With a baby you need one that is less hyper and definitely one with a safe disposition. Puppies will generally act like their parents in most cases, so never get a puppy whose parents are aggressive if you want a family dog to be around infants or children.

    • Pit bulls were originally bread to hunt bore they are one the most loving dogs in the world I have 4 of them cause I love them so much so those of you who blame the bread should shut the fuck up and blame the piece of shit have a better chance of getting attacked by a dalmasion then a pit bull so please stop talking shit on them.thank you

  • pit bulls are love able dogs it all depends on the owner so unless you had one keep your stupid as comments to your self and this website is fucking dumb

  • i have a doberman and shes very friendly with every dog she meets on her walk and she loves my minature jack russel they cuddle and sleep together she would never turn on some 1 or any dog but why is she a dangerous dog and she thinks my dog other dog the jack russel is her baby there always playing there fair cute but why is she a dangerous dog and she loves to play wit little children and my 2 and 5 year old neices she licks them .when u pertend to cry she jumps up on to the chair and licks ya she the best dog ….. i like ur articale …………

    • they where breed to hunt out there attacters in the war to go into trentches and there are different breeds of Doberman mine is American the german and the ones in texas are the largest breed the American are smaller even though my female is a little large she is very friendly , she is my best friend

  • Pi+bull is de dog everyone fears +hese days and i can see why. Dey would kill any o+her dog wi+h ease, da+s why dey are de breed da+ are used for figh+ing. Such a shame because dey are lovely loyal dogs.

  • rottwellier art the dangerous dogs but i have them if they love any one they care from heart but if they hate any one they can kill them it happens very very rarelly only my dogs live in the cage they love me and my flat members they are very friendly and playful if they get angry on the outsiders so i think the can break the cage!!!!!!!

    • never ever keep a dog locked up that is prone to aggression such as the pit bull or rottweiler, siberian husky, the list goes on, they need to be socialized with people constantly growing up, otherwise they will turn out mean toward other people, my dad has a rott and he is the biggest baby ever because he was shown attention and socialized with people, if he had kept him locked up or tied outside he would be an aggressive dog, my brother had his rott tied outside for the first 2 years of his life and he turned mean and ended up getting rid of him cuz he growled at his son, raise a dog around people and they will be friendly and protective

  • This list is very inaccurate, there are heaps more breeds that are more aggressive than the ones you put here, the cane croso for example. As for Great danes and the St bernard, they are actually well knonw for being the complete opposite of aggressive. Besides as you mentioned above, it is not the fact that they are a breed that makes them aggresive, it is the fact that they are an animal, it is in their nature, and when a dog become aggressive it can be because of many contributing factors but the blame should never go to the hound but the human who controls their hound. And never, ever hit a dog, it only gives him a reason to bite you. Owners should be calm-assertive leaders who provide their dog with exercise, discpline, affection and training.

    • St Bernards and Great Danes are not aggressive but known for being “gentle giants” however they are on the top of the list for bite fatalities because when they do bite, they are big and very strong. So that was actually accurate.

    • My aussie mix was atacked while we were walking on the sidewalk together. My dog had a leather leash and The great dane was let go on top of us with a flex leash!
      Crazy owners….my dog got bitten badly and I let animal control take care of those nuts.
      Great danes or any other breed can be dangerous on idiots hans.

    • I have a cane corps and she don’t play when it comes to her family. Of course a great Dane is tall but doesn’t weigh as much as a cane corps plus canes have strong jaws and is very difficult to beat as a dog I can guess that you never had one (cane corps is in the Masstiff family)

  • I grew up with a father who bred dogs (working Border Collies) and I worked as a veterinary nurse in quarantine kennels for a time, and we were taught to judge each animal by trying to gain a rapport with it, and establishing its temperament on an individual basis.
    Although we were taught that NO breed is inherently vicious, we were warned that some breeds had a more unstable temperament than others. We were also warned if any dog came into kennels that had been known to have been abused or mistreated in the past.
    The only brreds we were given a high level warning about were Rottweilers, Dobermen and Rhodesian Ridgebacks. There were several breeds that were not permitted into the country by law, as they had been bred solely for fighting purposes. (1 American, I Japanese, 3 or 4 Asian breeds)
    In all my years of working with dogs, the only one that ever bit me was a miniature Dachshund!
    Any one who breeds dogs for fighting, or uses them for such, should be thrown into a pit with half a dozen of the said dogs and left to find out just how dangerous dogs can be!
    Dogs, like any living creature, should be treated with respect and humanity. (It’s ‘humanity’ that designates you as ‘human’). Sadly, it would appear that some folks on here are definitely sub-human.

    As to constantly criticising people for their poor use of grammar and spelling – life’s too short – go get one……..

    • I have a three year old mini doxie, he was hit by a van when a baby and I had him operated on two brokenhips he recovered after I literally stayed by his side for months hand feeding etc, yesterday for no reason other then I picked up clothes and put them on my sons bed he attacked me bit chased me and bit bad I am out of my mind , I have a five year old doxie he is my dog he growls at other people when he is beside me but would never bite and when I am not around he loves everyone I am an animal lover we have a lab catsw etc I have never b een afraid of a dog ehay are loveable but strange little dogs

    • although the pit bull and rottweiler are the 2 top dogs prone to aggression, they can also be as gentle as the golden retriever if raised properly

    • Well said.
      It is rare to find comments that do not glorify ‘dog whispers’ or ‘asinine canine’ genres. I know’!
      The only dog I have been been bitten by was my Dane ( and, I am a trainer and a behaviorist) and it was only because I totally i goofed up.

  • this website is wrong on first there should be rotwiller not pitbul

    if u dnt beleive go on you tube and type rotwiller vs pitbul

    i gaurantee rottwiller will take pitbul down

    f****** dumb

  • This is a truly awful article. To start, 90% of the information is false. And most of the claimed “aggressive” breed are indeed not aggressive by nature. And a helpful hint: Pitbulls were not bred especially for fighting. They were originally bred to be “nanny dogs.” Gentile yet protective, look it up.

  • You didn’t mention about “Tibetan Mastiff” and “The Newfoundland”, then how your result will be correct..

  • I loved reading the comments as much as the original article. No one in their right mind considers a Dane to be a “dangerous” dog unless he hits you with his tail. (Mine is cowering beside my chair right now because he’s afraid of our Border Collie puppy.) Yes, there are the occasional aggressive or abused Danes, but they are the rare exception. The breed has been BRED to be gentle since the 1900s.

    That’s not true for all dog breeds, though. That’s the difference. What’s the dog bred for? Just like there are horses bred to jump; there are dogs BRED to be extremely aggressive. The breeders are selected for this trait just as you’d select a dog for its color or personality. The breed standard for the Brazilian mastiff says that attacking the judge shouldn’t be considered a fault, because this is the breed’s temperament. While there may be docile individual dogs from these breeds, these dogs were BRED (not trained) to attack and (in the case of the Caucasian mountain dog) even kill potential threats. Thankfully, these dogs still seem to be mostly in the hands of the right people.

    You can debate whether or not dogs like this are “dangerous” or if it’s the “dog’s fault.” As long as the dog is doing what it was bred for: to guard some 10,000 acre drug lord’s estate or in the remote mountains of Russia, the point is probably moot. These dogs were bred with a purpose. They were not abused or trained to make them this way; it’s in their blood and will be until it’s bred out of them. BUT are these dogs “dangerous” for most normal suburbanites to have? YES, simply because most of us lack the time, skill, and containment system necessary to keep these dogs in civilized areas. They weren’t bred to be pets or live in a suburb.

  • … Some of these comments, that some of you may think make you sound very intelligent, are really Pathetic to say the least – it is obvious that a lot of you do not have a clue about bringing dogs up & training them, in the correct manner at all !! Wake up and smell the coffee: Humans are the Most Dangerous DOGS in the World !! The hand that holds the leash determines the outcome of the dog on the other end of the leash 😉

  • i do not agree that pitbull and dalmatian are dangerous dogs.i hv both of them. they r so friendly with me.of course they should be.but the r also friendly 2 my frndz 2.n boxer and saint bernard should also b not there in the list of dangerous dogs they r so frndly my nana[maternal grandmother] own both of them.i agree with one comment that 90% of this list is not true.

  • I love love love my German Shepherd. Had this breed all my life and they are the best dogs on earth.

  • The most difficult thing about reading this bullshit article is trying to stop my pit bull from licking me for two seconds so I can read it.

    • thats a matter of misconception, my cousin has a pitbull and he is as friendly as a golden retriever, get facts before you believe what you hear from others

    • Clearly you have never been licked to death by a pit then. My Hank lets my brother jerk him around all he wants, loves to play with puppies, and wakes me up every morning with kisses…wow he sounds dangerous doesn’t he? So before you say oh i fuckin think pits or dangerous get to know one before you judge one.

  • A boxer???? Are you serious???? My boxer is the only one of my 3 dogs I trusted near my newborn nephew. Now he is 2 yrs old and romps and rough houses with my dog. Never once has she done anything in retaliation. If boxers made the list then blame the owners and stop laying at the dogs feet.

  • Dogs that have bitten me:

    When I was about four I approached my grandmother’s neighbors dog, not knowing any better, a Pomeranian who was chained in their yard and was bitten as soon as I got close. My parents called out to me, but didn’t reach me in time. As an adult, of course, I would have known better, and understand that a chained barking dog would be threatening.

    The other bites were all without any particular provocaton and should have been controlled by their owners…

    At a dog show, when I was about 13, walking near a Saint Bernard, I was bitten on the arm when it lunged out at me unexpectedly. He was being held by the handler. There was no provocation on my part that I’m aware of. I was chatting with a friend and not paying any particular attention to the line of dogs we were walking by that were awaiting the ring – I’m guessing I was probably about five or six feet away.

    As a college age student, I had to walk by, nearly daily, a house in which the owners allowed their little pack chihuahuas to roam free. I would have had to take a long detour of several blocks to avoid them. I walked as far away as I possibly could and tried to avoid alerting them to my presence, but I estimate I was bitten at least 100 times by this pack of vicious little dogs. This being in the ’70’s and not knowing their was any recourse, I would try to get by them by allowing my back pack to dangle between them and myself. They’d always drop off as I cleared the block.

    I find it interesting that when people talk about certain breeds, they acknowlege the bred in responses that are ingrained in the dogs.

    For instance, here’s what I just saw on a Border Collie site: “Border Collies are some of the most intelligent dogs in the world, and they need a lot of physical and mental activity. They can be a challenge for even the most seasoned dog owner. They must have at least two hours of activity a day in order to stave off behavioral problems, and the behavioral problems that develop in Border Collies can be severe.”

    Here’s a blurb on Jack Russell Terriers: “It’s important to note that above all, the Jack Russell Terrier is a working Terrier, a breed of dog specifically bred to perform specific tasks. The entire reason for the Jack Russell’s existence is to run, hunt, chase and flush out fox and other animals. They were specifically breed to perform this task aggressively throughout England. It’s the excitement and rush of the hunt that can be credited for the infamous personality and temperament of the Jack Russell.”

    Rottweiler: “The Rottweiler Dog Breed has a personality and temperament that is courageous and loyal. They are instinctively protective of their family and home territory. Rottweilers form their closest bond with their primary caretaker. This breed is not for everyone, as they require intense socialization and training throughout their lives.” AND from another site: “Rottweilers must be thoroughly socialized at an early age so that their territorial instincts are controlled rather than indiscriminate.”

    A quick search of any almost any breed and the word temperment will lead to frank discussions of the breed, bred in tendencies and advice.

    However, with the Pitbull I read OVER and OVER – statements that basically deny any bred in tendencies – and over and over, people saying it’s NOT the dog, it’s the OWNER! So maybe, rather than sugar coat or villainize – it people would actually acknowlege that it is BOTH, just as other breed owners do, we might not be having as much as a problem!

    “”The Pit Bull is goofily friendly towards people – family, friends, and strangers alike. Known for its sound character, strong nerve, and great intelligence, the breed makes an ideal companion for households with children, while remaining strong and vigilant enough to protect its loved ones if need be. It is never necessary to embark on guard or attack training with this breed, as they are naturally attuned to their environment and intuitive about real threats. Although never aggression towards people without real need, the Pit Bull may show dog-directed aggression, but sensitivity to other dogs will vary from dog to dog.”

    AND: “Traits we see in the pit bull personality: Highly affectionate toward people, even strangers and
    children; Loves physical affection and attention; Never redirects aggression on humans even during
    times of high arousal; Confident and not anxious (calm, cool, and collected); Obedient; eager to please; Balanced, emotionally stable; Submissive but not to a point of lacking confidence or
    being fearful;A certain amount of reactivity or sensitivity toward other dogs is normal and acceptable in a pit bull and in many breeds of dogs

    Or: “Pit Bulls are loving, loyal, clown dogs who make excellent companions or those with active lifestyles. They love being with people and want to be included in all family activities whether it’s a ride in the car, a neighborhood stroll or a romp in the park. While it’s true that in the wrong hands, Pit Bulls can be viscous, in the right hands, Pit Bulls can be sweethearts, which many owners describe as babies in a dog’s body.”

    Just Google the phrase, “Its not the dog its the owner” and you’ll find hundreds, perhaps thousands of posts on the Pitbull – what’s with that??

  • Pit-bulls do harm lots of people, but are great family dogs. If you treat them right, give them love and care. Nothing bad will happen. Remember, it is the owner that makes them bad, not the dog

  • I agree I’ve owned 3 pit bulls and love them to death. Best dog ever!!! I have books, that name them to be great dogs to have around children. I have a 10 year old son, and he grew up around one of my female, pits. She guarded him till she died. She slept under his crib everyday. At the end of the day, people have destroyed this dog’s reputation. Fighting them is the reason they turn on humans. Imagine if you too, would get starved and thrown in a dark room, and ran on treadmills for hours, at a time. Then, to get put In a kennel, and have peppers Shoved into your rectum for a change.

  • make sure your facts are straight before you post them, they are all skewed and inaccurate, do some research

  • I have a boxer that is almost 2 years old. Although she is in no way aggressive and is extremely friendly and loving, I can understand completely when you say that dogs can be dangerous at that age for other reasons. I keep her leashed at all times around young children, families etc while on walks purely because she’s so excitable that I’m afraid she would jump and knock someone over! Equally a close friend of mine owns a rotty and his dog is always pleasant around him and me when I visit, although I do think mood swings should be taken into account. When I first met my friend’s dog I tried to stroke him and he began to growl and my friend told me to stop. He said that whenever the dog faces away from you he is telling you not to stroke him, so I agree that these dogs can be harmless towards their owners and those who know them and are aware of their behavioural patterns but I can see (even in a well-trained pup) why there would be a potential for danger towards those who aren’t aware like I was that day.

    • I agree i 11 month old pitbull all aggressive but it can get pretty excited pretty fast and do some unpredictable stuff so I keep on leash dog park but other than that greatest family pets you can havr.

  • Eveydog but the party has a good statement about them but instead you say to use dog fighting sadly you could have said theyed be great dogs and you need to give them lots of exercise and good training and sturdiness lifesyle.

  • first the Dalmatians came from Dalmatia a province Austria on the eastern shore off the coast of Venice
    2 the are the mascot for the firehouse and the protector to horse drawn carriages such as a the Budweiser Clydesdales .These Dals are very mild manner dogs and they love meeting people which in fact the dogs and the horses have a special bond and with the humans they live with .so who ever said that Dalmatian are a dangerous dog need to own one as a owner of one of these amusing dogs and it all how the dog is raise for puppy to adult .

  • After reading your comments, I had to let you know that no dog can be placed in a category and be called safe or dangerous. I owned a Gascon Bluetick hound that was loving toward the family, but deadly to strangers or strange animals. I had owned GSD, Rotts, and Dobermans, and had no trouble teaching them to accept other dogs or people on command. Not so the Bluetick. When he started for someone or something, even a shock collar would not turn him. In fact it seemed to make him worse. When in attack mode, he seemed to be incapable of feeling pain. He weighed 105 pounds in running shape, and was tireless. In his life he killed well over 150 racoons that were uninjured before he got to them, during daylight he would run down and kill any coyote he came across, ground hogs, foxes, and stray dogs that came on the place, and had to be put down at 16 1/2 years old. When he died he had one small scar on his nose, and a small notch in his left ear, the gift given by a 200+ pound black bear that he tackled. I had to get in close enough to get a rope leash on him to get him to quit. All this to make the point that hounds are supposed to be laid back. During the time I had him, from a pup until he died, he never offered to bite or threaten me or my wife, but was very protective of us, although he never would allow me to roll him on his back, and I never saw him lie on his back. One thing I would like to mention was an incident where he jumped a fence in the dark and had a barb of a barbed wire catch in his belly skin, and rolled into the skin and his whole weight was supported by that area. I called him by name, picked him up to get the weight off, and my son was able to work the barb out and release him. He was liking my face as we were freeing him.

  • I deliver pizza for a living and have done so for over 15 years and so I have a lot of experience dealing with strange dogs. However, Pit Bulls do not scare me nearly as much as other breeds that I have found to have far more aggressive tendencies. My number one would be the Chow Chow as they are almost universally aggressive towards outsiders whereas most of the Pit Bulls I encounter are not. My number two would be the Chihuahua and number three the Schnauzer. The problem with the Pit Bull is that they are such a energetic, strong and muscular breed that when they go awry, they almost always do a lot of damage. Also, ANY dog can be aggressive. It is important that you recognize this fact. If you are not used to dealing with strange dogs then you should approach all of them with a lot of caution. You never know how they have been treated and if the owner did not raise them right then any dog can be dangerous. I do not always have the option of total avoidance though so I have had to learn to read dogs as best I can and have so far avoided being bitten or attacked.

    I am not an apologist for any specific breed here either. I do not own a dog and have not had one for almost 30 years. I just feel that the Pit Bull gets a bad rap from people who mostly have had no actual experience with the breed and only judge them from what they hear on the news. I have known people with them and none of their dogs have ever caused me any trouble. However, I also respect what they are capable of, much like you would give a certain deference to a professional fighter if you met them in person. Fail to respect them at your own peril.

  • Nonsense. “Scary-looking” does not equal “dangerous”. I have owned many boxers in my lifetime. They are worthless as watchdogs. They are bigger cowards than I am. They are absolutely great companions because they are playful and non-aggressive. Same with great danes.
    Do some research. Focus on smaller dogs (chihuahuas, Jack Russell Terriers, etc.). Those are the dogs that bite.

    • I think every dog in its own way is proactive and
      the dogs risk their lives on us and we get all these
      big dogs so they could get protected and risk these dogs life
      I would never ever do that

  • I think the person who wrote this article really needs to do their homework Pit Bulls were not bred especially for dog fighting. Unfortunately thats what they get used for and tageted by people who writes articles like this one.

  • I have gone on sights like this one and always seam to see the same breads of dogs but never have I seen what I consider two of the most aggressive, dangerous dogs ever. The first one being the Fila Brasileiro, and the second the Caucasian Shepherd.
    I own two Fila’s and socialized both excessively for the age of 8 weeks. My female is 22 months and I can take her most places, she loves kids will tolerate woman as long as they are small, but you are a guy don’t try to touch her, and she will only allow 4 people in the house. The male is now 9 months and as he gets older he is displaying more of the Fila’s natural temperament. They are extremely loyal, love there family and will lay there life down for you but if they don’t know you before they are 4 months old DON’T go near them. When first shown in AKC shows they were shown behind 10 foot fences, they can easily clear a 6’ one.
    Caucasian Shepherds are from Russia and males are generally 200 lbs. They are loyal to family and extremely protective of family. They are used by there military and in there prisons.

  • Boxers please, they are one of the most lovable and non agressive dog i have ever known, the fact that they are big does not mean they are dangerous. They love people, they are playful, protective and loyal dogs. Please do more research.

    • I agree with you completely! I own two boys! They are the biggest babies I have ever had lol! Im surprised the Boston Terrier isnt on here (smaller dog of course not), I had one of those once.. he attacked everyone who walked through the door. My boxers just fake people out. They bark to seem scary but if anyone comes close they take off running haha! I hate these stupid articles! People do not know what they are talking about. Now I have a fear when I try to get an apartment so I can go to a Veterinary Technician Institution I won’t be able to find a place for myself as well as my middle aged boxer babies. 🙁

    • Agree, I’ve got a 4 year old, biggest baby ever… for unintentionally knocking you out not a nasty bone in their bodies!!

  • Rottweilers are powerful dogs with strong jaws, primarily meant to protect. The breed was bred especially for that purpose.
    That is wrong, they are originally a cattle herding dog and draft dog.

  • I disagree. We have owned pitbulls, a Rottweiler, and many Great Danes. The Rottweiler has a more powerful bite force than even a pitbull but is not as energetic. Our Rottie was one of the best dogs we had and loved the family, he would not let strangers near kids or out of their vehicle unless my dad was outside with them. He also stayed hip to hip with the young ones while they played by the creek and killed many snakes that got too close. There was never an aggressive bone in him around family members and that goes for the Great Danes also. All of the 5 Danes that we had though did seem slightly temperamental towards our neighbors dogs and had to be supervised but otherwise made great family dogs. The pitbull we had bonded to only me and tended to be shy around everyone else but also would not let a stranger within 5 yards of the children or me, but he was very hyper active and tried to chew through his cage and our back door when he was left alone(quite a hassle). All were great dogs, it just depends on how they are raised and trained.

  • Where is the turkish kangal??????????? The dog who has the most powerful bit force in the world and far superior fighter to the Pitbull????????? DO MORE RESEARCH AS this list is not extensive