Who knew there were so many creative ways to dress up your dog for Halloween? I did not set out to do a post about Halloween costumes for dogs – I just kept finding more and more adorable and downright silly dog costumers until this post became inevitable.
There are so many cute dog costumes that it would take all day to put them into one post, so each of these images links to more dog costume ideas and photos. Just click the images to see more.
Craziest Dog Costume Ever: Robotic Dog Costume
From Inexpensive Dog Costumes to Help Fido Celebrate Halloween from 3BoysandaDog
Wow that is a realistic looking Dog Skeleton costume, isn’t it?
Entered in Geek Nation’s First Annual Halloween Costume Contest

From Homemade Dog Halloween Costumes

From How to Save on Second Hand Halloween Costumes
Echo the Scorpion Dog – Home-made Dog Costume.
Bodice is made of knit fabric with latex legs attached to the sides.

Cute and clever dog Halloween costumes
If these aren’t the most unusual, creative and unique dog costumes you’ve ever seen
we challenge you to share links to others in the comments. The best ones will be moved
into the body of this post and given attribution and links to the source.