Dads. They’re like superheroes in the eyes of young children. Their father makes them feel safe, helps to take care of the family, can lift them high above their heads, and can seem to make the world’s problems go away. Enjoy this photostream showcasing some adorable kids with their very own daddy dearests.
[…] Esos papás […]
Esos papás…
Los papás. Son como superhéroes en los ojos de los niños pequeños. Su padre les hace sentir seguros, ayudan a cuidar de la familia, pueden levantarlos bien alto por encima de sus cabezas, y pueden hacer que los problemas del mundo desaparezcan….
i never had a father ( he is an alcoholic XD)
i’m glad of it anyway , better than a stupid strange stepdad of mine , damn i hate him !
[…] 13. Oh These Dads! Photos of Fathers and Kids […]
Absolutely beautiful pics. I got my kids “secondhand”, at 4, 6, and 8. I am only now (with my grandkids) discovering how loving babies can be!
Thanks for sharing!
I’m going to be a dad in a few more weeks. I can’t hardly wait!!!
Seeing men acting so effeminate makes me uncomfortable.
Is so rare to see pictures like “dad/son” “dad/daughter” like this ones
the lack of pictures of this kind almost say that “men don’t like children” or “only mothers love their sons”
i’m very happy to see that the sexism that have taken over the world still fails to negate the father’s love from it’s children
What a stupid comment. I can only hope you are sixteen, because if not, you are a ridiculous homophobe and not too bright. You and Pete should be buddies, oh, can’t … pretty sure he is gay, too bad since you both have the personality of an idiot. You could have been each other’s bff.
This actually makes me want to be a Dad a little…
I miss my son Arya dutta. I love you Arya.
You know, any, most or all of the men depicted could be gay; who would know? Who would care? The men depicted appear to cherish the little ones (yes, even the one thrown in the air; grow up), and that is the photo theme. It is brought out well. It beats the heck out of the Sylvia Plath-like view of fathers the media usually presents.
This is ABSOLUTE beauty.. I loved every single one of those picture.. pure perfection!!
I wish I have a better word than B E A U T I F U L !!!!
for D4VE (answer #107): you could not be more stupid. It is not a matter of sex, It is LOVE. All you need is love… (remember John Lennon)
Oh These Dads! Photos of Fathers and Kids…
This photostream features photos of kids with their dads. Enjoy the family photos and see if they remind you of when you were a little kid hanging out with dad….
Oh These Dads! Photos of Fathers and Kids…
This photostream features photos of kids with their dads. Enjoy the family photos and see if they remind you of when you were a little kid hanging out with dad….
Are the mothers dead or something?
so beautiful, sadly mine have been taken away from me. it brings tears to my eyes seeing these pics. i miss my kids. thanks to my wife and her wild imagination.
Beautiful pictures, moving.
Dads are very special for their kids.
[…] Foto de mãe com filho começa na gravidez. Finalmente um set dos pais. Mais 49 aqui. […]
@Ummer (#118): No, Ummer Mommy, mothers are not dead … however, this is not about mothers, it is about fathers. And just to bring it to your attention, the universe does not revolve around you or any other mommy in it.
I am with Janette #123, not all mommys are the same. I love my kids, the fight has just started for my kids. Any parent who falsely accuses the other parent of child abusing their kids should be punished. especially when the investigation shows no signs of child abuse
you know, certain parents have this special bonding with their kids. i never had this, i felt uncomfortable because of my child abuse. 33 years on, i get blamed by my wife. the worst part is that, there was no child abuse that happened from my side on the kids. it was a game of which my wife played with her wild and immaginative so called brain. they should make it a crime for any parent who accuses the other falsely. it leaves someone traumatized.
To Ummer (#118) Do not panic. Mommys were behind the camera taking the pictures. I do not think of a mother missing such a shot!
Absolutely beautiful photos – they bring tears to my eyes! Makes me wish I captured more newborn photos of my son and husband together. Great compilation of photos!
i love this series. emotional pictures – lovely fathers
really superb
Pictures like these make me wish my father had stuck around, after I was born. When I have kids, I wanna be on a site like this.
How can you not smile when you see pictures like this?! Lovely, beautiful, fun.
Dont forget who took the picture, most probably the mother ..
This was beautiful!!
Absolutely beautiful! I love them all! It takes a true man to realize Love and how awesome it is. Love is pure and is not about race,weight, or tattoo’s! Pete God loves you!:-)
Beautiful pictures!
Awesome pic’s. It’s good to see father’s shown as parents. 🙂
Love the photos. Makes me think of my Dad and how are relationship has gotten better over the last 2-3 years.
Thank you for this beautiful display of love.
Beautiful pictures, beautiful faces, happy life moments!
Great pics.
Stop being so narrow minded, you all speak of his bigotry but yet the only reason you think he is bigoted is because he advocates for respect of gay fathers.
1) RE-READ HIS FREAKING POST. Nowhere does he slander the fathers in these photographs.
Did you ever think of the possibility he meant that look at how these photos show you how all types of fathers can make great dads?
2) Get over yourselves. By slandering him with vulgarities you’re on a level even below any bigoted person could ever be. (But respect to those of you who talked of love)
3) Admit his point! You were saying its a good thing he can’t have kids?! HOW DARE YOU. That is probably the SINGLE MOST INSULTING, IDIOTIC, AND NARROW MINDED thing I have ever heard. Act like adults instead of like the children in these photographs.
Maybe if he would have started out his first post a little differently. I’m good at reading between the lines, and I had a hard time with it. It was a bit brash…(Look at these pictures of obese, tattoloed, bald, whiote trashy fathers……and the spelling was bad too). To me it feels like he is bashing all the fathers in these pictures who were not “perfect”, And the way he said it sounded like if a guy was fat, bald, or tattooed, then they were white trash. I believe that if he would have sat for a few seconds and thought about what he wanted to say, and said it in a way that wasn’t so harsh to those fathers who have weight problems, hair problems, or decided that they would like a little more art in their lives, then maybe there wouldn’t have been such an uproar about what he said.
Sorry to double post,
also on my 3.
Believe it or not gay fathers can make great fathers.
Dont hate on gay dads just b/c you hate on him, even though you really shouldn’t hate on him.
This is beautiful. It makes me miss my wonderful father very much 🙂
Great pictures but such a shame that so many of the dads are so much less appealing than the kids.
Why are you here scumbag @pete Says:
November 5th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
Look at these pictures of obese, tattoloed, bald, whiote trashy fathers……
wish I could submit one of me and my son, I know what these guys are feeling .
;o i can’t believe the one of kurt cobain and his daughter with he kitten isn’t on here!
here’s a link ^^
one word beautifullll
Touching!!! wish all dads like them…
hello r u a stalker
hello r u a stalker 🙂
I like these pictures and these are goods in present or past but dont broke there hearts in future, think your past once before breaking there hearts
Great collection you have here!
The kid in the fuzzy suit looks pissed.
The kid being thrown in the air is scary high.
All of them are insanely adorable
wow ! i was searching my username (yunasy) on google and found your page (very nice blog entry, by the way!). was a bit surprised to see my photo heehee~ thankyou for giving me credit =)
Touching!!! wish all dads and children like them…
Kids with dads, really cute:)
very nice photos! i like in particular balck and white photos!
neta me iso llorar grasias x 1 momento volvi a recordar esos momentos q estadamos juntos grasias….
and me to it mayd me cry i didnt now i had it good at first
i only looked at these pics bc my dad dosnt live with me and i miss him alot
It’s unpredictable relation…..I love you Papa.
This made me realize how much I love my dad.
Beautiful photographs. Always a special moment for all dads. Definitely makes me want to take more and more pictures with my daughters. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Wonderful images!!