“Will work for food.” You’ve probably seen at least one person holding a sign like this during your lifetime. When people are down on their luck, they’ll beg for the opportunity to earn the essentials. But the “essentials” apparently don’t stop at food! Check out these photos and see what other “necessities” inspire people’s work ethic.
Need money for beer, drugs, hooker (hey at least I’m not bullshitting you)
Why lie, I need a beer!
I will work 4 marijuana. No free photos
Will dance for food
Will work for marijane
Will work for Internet access
Will work for followers! @philoking
My father was killed by ninjas. Need money for karate lessons.
Will work for pro account (on Flickr)
Will dictate for beer
Will work 4 gas
Will work for Christ
Brad & Angelina are having a baby and I need money for a gift
Will work for sex (or beer)
Will work for animal rights activists
Will work for gold
Will work for milk and cookies
Will work for 80k per yr, 401K, 3wks vac, medical
Will eat for food
Please help! Will code for food! Even VB! God Bless!
Will litigate for food!
Will polo for food
Will film for fud
Will code java for food (even with Eclipse)
Will predict stocks for food
Will not kill you for food
Will work for peace
Will work for gay marriage
Out of work prostitute will work for food
Will post “lust” pic for $ (or a flickr PRO extension)
I will work for sex, marijuana, or women who have pretty feet.
Will cook for sex
Need money to get drunk so that 2 women can take me home and molest me!