15 Q&A Sites to Answer Any of Your Burning Shopping Questions

Shopping QAOne of the best things we now have due to the Internet is the ease with which we can research anything, including any shopping-related questions.

There is no reason to ask all your friends and relatives for advice: all you need is sit in front of your computer and find if your question has been asked already (or, if not, ask it yourself and get plenty of replies from real people and experts).

This is why Q&A sites are so popular: they connect you to people who know how to solve your problem.

This post looks at 15 Q&A sites that answer shopping- and saving-related questions:

1. AnswerBag/ Shopping

  • Shopping thesaurus terms and definitions
  • Shopping images;
  • Shopping blogs by members;
  • Shopping Tweets;


2. Wiki Answers/ Shopping

  • Wiki style (each question and answer can be edited and discussed)
  • Each contributor has a popularity and trust score

3. Yahoo Answer/ Shopping

  • See top Answerers in Yahoo! Shopping
  • See open or resolved questions;

4. Askville/ Shopping: created by Amazon, Askville has a very strong shopping focus and unites very knowledgeable shoppers. Generally you’ll find the site very similar to Yahoo! Answers.

5. Fluther / shopping

  • A huge variety of shopping related tags to browse: food, deals, price, gifts, etc;
  • Fluther learns the type of questions you like to answer as you use the site and directs more relevant queries your way.


6. Grupthink/ Shopping

  • “Open-ended topics”: answers form lists, e.g. Weird names of products
  • Thumbnail photos and comments on each answer

7. Dizzay/ Finance

  • A forum-like interface;
  • The site has a few useful features but is generally stuffed with ads (and sometimes spam)

8. CashMoneyCommons

  • A money-saving community;
  • Every question and answer can be voted up or down


9. Guruza / Shopping

  • Rather basic and limited in features
  • Allows experts to earn money by asking the questions/

10. FunAdvice / shopping

  • Shopping related photos;
  • Shopping groups.

11. Fixya: a tech related shopping community discussing gadgets and computer hardware:

  • Each member can have expertise in certain products and/or brands;
  • You can ask a general question or a direct question to the expert that best fits your needs.


12. Ask.MetaFilter/ Shopping: a very basic and simply implemented q&a site (much like forum) with very useful and detailed advice given.

13. MothersClick / Fashion and Beauty

  • Community by and for moms;
  • Very detailed and useful answers for any question

14. Mamapedia / money

  • Community by and for moms;
  • Interesting discussions on a variety of money-related topics: budgeting, kids and money, saving, etc

15. IMshopping

  • Earn money by answering shopping questions;
  • See related products;
  • Vote answers up and down:
